
A Fictional & Minimalist Bank

🎈Live Demo🎈


👉Log-in credentials👈

Account UserName Password
Mohamed Zaky mz 1111
Ahmed Eid ah 2222


Bankist is a Fictional & Online Bank.

Bankist is written in Javascript basically Javascript has the responsibility of the DOM manipulation and user interaction over the entire project.

⚠ Alert: The app has some browser compatibility issues as I've noticed, especially on mobile browsers and if you are not using the latest versions of the browser, the app may not work properly or not working at all.


  • Log-in
  • 🎉 Transfer To Other Accounts
  • 🚀 Request Loan
  • 🎈 Delete Account
  • 🔁 Log-out Timer
  • 🔥 Sort Movements
  • 💥 Internationalize Date & Currency
  • 🥳 Both Mobile & Desktop Responsive


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS (Main)🚀

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