Deals Drag and Drop By Angular

Deals Angular Drag and Drop is a web application built using Angular 15 and SCSS that allows users to organize deals and items by dragging and dropping them into different categories. It includes features such as filtering based on various criteria. Additionally, the application offers a search feature using Typeahead and debouncing to quickly find specific deals or items, and updates deals using an optimistic approach.

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  • Drag and drop functionality to organize deals.
  • Search feature with Typeahead using debouncing to quickly find specific deals.
  • Optimistic approach to update deals once they are dropped into a category.

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About The Project

Deals Angular Drag and Drop: is a web application built using Angular 15 and SCSS that allows users to organize deals and items by dragging and dropping them into different categories. This project provides a user-friendly interface to manage deals and helps to keep track of items that are associated with each deal.

Built With

Built with the following technologies:

Getting Started

To get started with project just simply fork this repo or download locally on your System.

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


Start with the latest version of NPM to avoid any errors:

  • npm
    npm install npm


  1. Clone the repo
    git clone
  2. Install dependencies npm install
  3. Start the server ng serve


Open the application in your web browser at http://localhost:4200/. You can now start organizing your deals and items by dragging and dropping them into different categories. Use the search feature to quickly find specific deals or items.
