
🎯 Image Effects is a web application that allows users to upload their colored images and convert them to black and white.

Primary LanguageHTML

Image Effects

πŸ“· Snap, Click, Upload. Voila! You now have an image that you want to edit. But wait, you don't have any photo editing software installed on your computer! Worry not, because Image Effects is here to help!


🎯 Image Effects is a web application that allows users to upload their colored images and convert them to black and white.

Video Demo



πŸ’» Image Effects is built using a combination of:

  1. HTML
  2. Rust
  3. WebAssembly
  4. webpack
  5. Tailwind CSS
  6. JavaScript

These technologies work together to provide a seamless and responsive experience for users.


πŸ€” With limited access to photo editing software, users often struggle to perform basic image editing tasks. Image Effects aims to solve this problem by providing users with a simple and efficient web application that allows them to perform these tasks without the need for complex software.


✨ Image Effects provides converting colored images to black and white

Rust and WebAssembly for Image Processing

πŸ¦€ Rust is a systems programming language that is designed to be fast, safe, and reliable. In Image Effects, Rust is used to write the core image processing algorithms that convert colored images to black and white, resize images, add a blurry effect, and crop areas of an image. Rust's performance and safety features make it a great choice for this kind of low-level, computationally intensive work.

πŸ•ΈοΈ WebAssembly is a binary format that allows code written in programming languages other than JavaScript to be executed in a web browser. In Image Effects, Rust code is compiled into WebAssembly using the wasm-pack tool, which creates a binary file that can be executed in a web browser. This allows the image processing algorithms to run at near-native speeds, even in a web browser.

🎨 The conversion of colored images to black and white, resizing of images, adding a blurry effect, and cropping of areas of an image is performed by the Rust code compiled into WebAssembly. The algorithms are executed in the user's web browser using WebAssembly, which allows the processing to be done quickly and efficiently.

Installation and Usage

πŸš€ To install and run Image Effects, simply download or clone the repository, install the required technologies, and launch the application. The application can be run locally on your machine, or it can be deployed to a web server for others to use.

I hope you find Image Effects useful for your image editing needs. Happy editing! πŸŽ‰


πŸ“§ If you want to contact me you can reach me at Gmail or LinkedIn or Twitter