
In this app, you can log your running or cycling workouts with location, distance, time, pace, and steps/minute. You can also see all your workouts at a glance and on a map.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Here is my Mapty project!😉

Take a look this project with the features down below.

live demo

What I did in this project

  • Design as a Responsive web
  • Markup and styling for new created submenus & realistic error message
  • Abilities to edit & delete workout and delete all workouts
  • Ability to sort workouts by certain fields(distance, time)
  • Position the map to show all workouts
  • Using Mapty Icons instead of just normal points on the map
  • Geocode location from coordinates and display it on the workout list
  • Display weather for workout time and place
  • Click on popup, move map to corresponding popup
  • Map Zoom and View control

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