Spring Boot Movie Recommendations API

This is a Spring Boot application that consumes a RESTful endpoint for retrieving a list of movies and provides a new endpoint for recommending movies based on the user's preferred genre.

The /recommendations endpoint accepts a query parameter genre and returns a list of movies that belong to the specified genre, sorted by release year in descending order. The movie data is retrieved from an external RESTful endpoint.


The application provides the following endpoint:

GET /recommendations

  GET /recommendations?genre=Action

Retrieves a list of recommended movies based on the user's preferred genre.

Example Response:

  { "id": 3,
    "title": "The Dark Knight",
    "genre": "Action",
    "releaseYear": 2008,
    "director": "Christopher Nolan" },
  { "id": 6,
    "title": "The Matrix",
    "genre": "Action",
    "releaseYear": 1999,
    "director": "The Wachowskis" }


The movie data is retrieved from an external RESTful endpoint at https://6419938ec152063412c5fdcb.mockapi.io/movies. You can update the endpoint in the application.properties file.