
🧮 Small library for big decimal numbers.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

dnum: small library for big decimal numbers

npm version bundle size License

dnum provides a small set of utilities to manipulate large numbers represented as a pair composed of a value (stored as a BigInt) and corresponding decimals. This structure makes it possible to handle large decimal numbers in an easy manner, without any loss of precision, and using an open structure that preserves flexibility.

type Dnum = [value: bigint, decimals: number];


import * as dn from "dnum";

let a = dn.from(2, 18); // the number 2 followed by 18 decimals
let a = [2000000000000000000n, 18]; // equivalent to the previous line

let b = dn.from("870983127.93887"); // dn.from() can parse strings, numbers, bigint and more

let c = dn.multiply(a, b); // returns [1741966255877740000000000000n, 18]

  dn.format(a), // "2"
  dn.format(b, 2), // "870,983,127.94"
  dn.format(c, 2), // "1,741,966,255.88"
  dn.format(b, { compact: true }), // "1.7B"


npm install --save dnum
pnpm add dnum
yarn add dnum


dnum might be a good option for your project if:

  • You are dealing with decimal numbers represented as integers associated with a number of decimals.
  • You need common math operations that feel like using JavaScript Number operators.
  • You want to format large numbers without converting them to Number, to avoid precision loss.
  • You want to avoid adding a library to your project that would be too heavy.
  • You don’t want to rely on a library that would require to embrace its wrapper object.


dnum can be useful to manipulate different currencies together, so let’s imagine a situation where you have the price of a given token token TKN expressed in ETH, which you received it as a string to avoid any precision issue:

let tknPriceInEth = "17.30624293209842";

And you have the price of ETH in USD, as a number this time:

let ethPriceInUsd = 1002.37;

Finally, you have a certain quantity of TKN to be displayed, as a BigInt:

let tknQuantity = 1401385000000000000000n; // 1401.385 with 18 decimals precision

You want to display the USD value of tknQuantity, which would normally require to:

  • Parse the numbers correctly (without using parseInt() / parseFloat() to avoid precision loss).
  • Convert everything into BigInt values with an identical decimals precision.
  • Multiply the numbers and get the result.
  • Convert it into a string to format it − without using Number since you’d lose precision.

dnum can do all of this for you:

// No need to convert anything, you can just multiply different formats of decimal numbers:
let tknPriceInUsd = dnum.multiply(tknPriceInEth, ethPriceInUsd);

// A Dnum is just a two entries array (or tuple): [value: bigint, decimals: number]
let tknQuantityInUsd = dnum.multiply([tknQuantity, 18], tknPriceInUsd);

dnum.format(tknQuantityInUsd, 2); // $24,310,188.17

You can play with this example on CodeSandbox.



type Dnum = [value: bigint, decimals: number];
type Numberish = string | number | bigint | Dnum;

format(value, options)

Formats the number for display purposes.

Name Description Type
value The value to format. Dnum
options.digits Number of digits to display. Setting options to a number acts as an alias for this option. Defaults to the number of decimals in the passed Dnum. number
options.compact Compact formatting (e.g. “1,000” becomes “1K”). object
options.trailingZeros Add trailing zeros if any, following the number of digits. object
options.locale The locale used to format the number. string
returns Formatted string. string


let amount = [123456789000000000000000n, 18];

// If no digits are provided, the digits correspond to the decimals
dnum.format(amount); // 123,456.789

// options.digits
dnum.format(amount, { digits: 2 }); // 123,456.79
dnum.format(amount, 2); // (alias)

// options.compact
dnum.format(amount, { compact: true }); // 123K

// options.trailingZeros
dnum.format(amount, { digits: 6, trailingZeros: true }); // 123,456.789000

from(valueToParse, decimals)

Parse a value and convert it into a Dnum. The passed value can be a string, a number, a bigint, or even a Dnum − which can be useful to change its decimals.

Name Description Type
valueToParse Value to convert into a Dnum Numberish
decimals (optional) Number of decimals (defaults to true for auto) number | true
returns Converted value Dnum


// Parses a number expressed as a string or number
let amount = dnum.from("17.30624", 18);

// amount equals [17306240000000000000n, 18]

add(value1, value2, decimals)

Adds two values together, regardless of their decimals. decimals correspond to the decimals desired in the result.

Name Description Type
value1 First value to add Numberish
value2 Second value to add Numberish
decimals (optional) Result decimals (defaults to value1 decimals) number
returns Result Dnum

subtract(value1, value2, decimals)

Subtract a value from another one, regardless of their decimals. decimals correspond to the decimals desired in the result.

Name Description Type
value1 First value to add Numberish
value2 Second value to add Numberish
decimals (optional) Result decimals (defaults to value1 decimals) number
returns Result Dnum

Alias: sub()

multiply(value1, value2, decimals)

Multiply two values together, regardless of their decimals. decimals correspond to the decimals desired in the result.

Name Description Type
value1 First value to multiply Numberish
value2 Second value to multiply Numberish
decimals (optional) Result decimals (defaults to value1 decimals) number
returns Result Dnum

Alias: mul()


let ethPriceUsd = [100000n, 2]; // 1000 USD
let tokenPriceEth = [570000000000000000, 18]; // 0.57 ETH

let tokenPriceUsd = dnum.multiply(tokenPriceEth, ethPriceUsd, 2); // 570 USD

// tokenPriceUsd equals [57000, 2]

divide(value1, value2, decimals)

Divide a value by another one, regardless of their decimals. decimals correspond to the decimals desired in the result.

Name Description Type
value1 Dividend Numberish
value2 Divisor Numberish
decimals (optional) Result decimals (defaults to value1 decimals) number
returns Result value Dnum

Alias: div()


let ethPriceUsd = [100000n, 2]; // 1000 USD
let tokenPriceUsd = [57000, 2]; // 570 USD

let tokenPriceEth = dnum.divide(tokenPriceUsd, ethPriceUsd, 18); // 0.57 ETH

// tokenPriceEth equals [570000000000000000, 18]

remainder(value1, value2, decimals)

Equivalent to the % operator: calculate the remainder left over when one operand is divided by a second operand.

Name Description Type
value1 Dividend Numberish
value2 Divisor Numberish
decimals (optional) Result decimals (defaults to value1 decimals) number
returns Result value Dnum

Alias: rem()

abs(value, decimals)

Equivalent to the Math.abs() function: it returns the absolute value of the Dnum number.

Name Description Type
value Value to remove the sign from Numberish
decimals (optional) Result decimals (defaults to value decimals) number
returns Result value Dnum


let value = [-100000n, 2];

dnum.abs(value); // [100000n, 2]

round(value, decimals)

Equivalent to the Math.round() function: it returns the value of a number rounded to the nearest integer.

Name Description Type
value Value to round to the nearest integer Numberish
decimals (optional) Result decimals (defaults to value decimals) number
returns Result value Dnum


let value = [-123456n, 2]; // 1234.56

dnum.round(value); // [123500n, 2] or 1235.00

floor(value, decimals)

Equivalent to the Math.floor() function: it rounds down and returns the largest integer less than or equal to the number.

Name Description Type
value Value to round down Numberish
decimals (optional) Result decimals (defaults to value decimals) number
returns Result value Dnum

ceil(value, decimals)

Equivalent to the Math.ceil() function: it rounds rounds up and returns the smaller integer greater than or equal to the number.

Name Description Type
value Value to round up Numberish
decimals (optional) Result decimals (defaults to value decimals) number
returns Result value Dnum

greaterThan(value1, value2, decimals)

Equivalent to the > operator: it returns true if the first value is greater than the second value and false otherwise, regardless of their respective decimals.

Name Description Type
value1 First value Numberish
value2 Second value Numberish
decimals (optional) Result decimals (defaults to value1 decimals) number
returns Result value Dnum

Alias: gt()


let value1 = [10000100n, 4];
let value2 = [100000n, 2];

dnum.greaterThan(value1, value2); // true
dnum.greaterThan(value1, value1); // false
dnum.greaterThan(value2, value1); // false

lessThan(value1, value2, decimals)

Equivalent to the < operator: it returns true if the first value is less than the second value and false otherwise, regardless of their respective decimals.

Name Description Type
value1 First value Numberish
value2 Second value Numberish
decimals (optional) Result decimals (defaults to value1 decimals) number
returns Result value Dnum

Alias: lt()


let value1 = [100000n, 2];
let value2 = [10000100n, 4];

dnum.lessThan(value1, value2); // true
dnum.lessThan(value1, value1); // false
dnum.lessThan(value2, value1); // false

equal(value1, value2, decimals)

Equivalent to the == operator: it returns true if the first value is equal to the second value and false otherwise, regardless of their respective decimals.

Name Description Type
value1 First value Numberish
value2 Second value Numberish
decimals (optional) Result decimals (defaults to value1 decimals) number
returns Result value Dnum

Alias: eq()


let value1 = [100000n, 2];
let value2 = [10000000n, 4];

dnum.lessThan(value1, value2); // true

compare(value1, value2)

Returns 1 if value1 > value2, -1 if value1 < value2, 0 if value1 == value2. It makes it easy to combine Dnum values with sorting functions such as Array#sort().

Name Description Type
value1 First value Numberish
value2 Second value Numberish
returns Result value 1 | -1 | 0


let sorted = [
  [700n, 2],

console.log(sorted); // [1, 2n, 3.1, 5, [700n, 2], 8n];

toNumber(value, options)

Converts the Dnum data structure into a Number. This will result in a loss of precision depending on how large the number is.

Name Description Type
value The number to convert into a Number Dnum
digits The number of digits to round to. Number
returns Result value Number
let value = [123456789000000000000000n, 18];

toNumber(value); // 123456.789
toNumber(value, 1); // 123456.8


Converts the Dnum data structure into a JSON-compatible string. This function is provided because JSON.stringify() doesn’t work with BigInt data types.

Name Description Type
value The number to convert into a JSON Dnum
returns Result value string
let json = toJSON([123456789000000000000n, 18]);

// json == "[\"123456789000000000000\", 18]";


Converts the string resulting from toJSON() back into a Dnum.

Name Description Type
value The string value to convert back into a Dnum string
returns Result value Dnum
let dnum = fromJSON("[\"123456789000000000000\", 18]");

// dnum == [123456789000000000000n, 18]

setDecimals(value, decimals, options)

Return a new Dnum with a different amount of decimals. The value will reflect this change so that the represented number stays the same.

Name Description Type
value The number from which decimals will be changed Dnum
decimals New number of decimals number
options.round In case of reduction, whether to round the remaining decimals (defaults to true). boolean
returns Result value Dnum

Note: from(value, decimals) can also be used instead.

Tree shaking

To make use of tree shaking, named exports are also provided:

import { format, from } from "dnum";


Should dnum be used instead of BigInt or libraries such as BN.js or decimal.js?

dnum is not a full replacement for libraries such as decimal.js or BigInt. Instead, dnum focuses on a small (~1kb) set of utilities focused around the simple Dnum data structure, allowing to manipulate numbers represented in various decimal precisions in a safe manner.

Why is it called dnum?

dnum stands for Decimal Numbers.

Who made the logo and banner? 😍

The gorgeous visual identity of dnum has been created by Paty Davila.
