
CLI to replace tokens in text files with values from the command-line, files or environment variables.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


CI npm version mit license donate

Replace tokens in text files with values from the command-line, files or environment variables.

What's new

Please refer to the release page for the latest release notes.


Install replace tokens as a global CLI:

npm install -g replacetokens


replacetokens --sources
              [--escape {auto, off, json, xml, custom}]
              [--log-level {debug, info, warn, error, off}]
              [--missing-var-action {none, keep, replace, error}]
              [--missing-var-log {off, warn, error}]
              [--token-pattern {default, azurepipelines, doublebraces, doubleunderscores, githubactions, octopus, custom}]

Required parameters

--sources <list>

A list of files to replace tokens in.

Each entry supports:

  • multiple glob patterns separated by a semi-colon (;) using fast-glob syntax (you must always use forward slash (/) as a directory separator)
  • outputing the result in another file adding the output path after an arrow (=>)
  • wildcard replacement in the output file name using an asterix (*) in the input and output file names

If the output path is a relative path, it will be relative to the input file.

Example: **/*.json; !local/ => out/*.json will match all files ending with .json in all directories and sub directories except in local directory and the output will be in a sub directory out relative to the input file keeping the file name.

Optional parameters


Add BOM when writing files.


Enable case-insensitive file path matching in glob patterns (sources and variables).

--chars-to-escape <string>

The characters to escape when using custom escape.

--encoding <string>

The encoding to read and write all files. Default is auto.

Accepted values:

--escape <string>

Character escape type to apply on each value. Default is auto.

Accepted values:

  • auto: automatically apply JSON or XML escape based on file extension
  • off: don't escape values
  • json: JSON escape
  • xml: XML escape
  • custom: apply custom escape using escape-char and chars-to-escape

--escape-char <string>

The escape character to use when using custom escape.


Show help.


Include directories and files starting with a dot (.) in glob matching results (sources and variables).

--log-level <string>

The log level. Default is info.

Accepted values: debug, info, warn, error, off

--missing-var-action <string>

The action to take when a key is not found. Default is none.

Accepted values:

  • none: replace with empty string and log key not found
  • keep: leave token and log key not found
  • replace: replace with missing-var-default
  • error: throw error if key not found

--missing-var-default <string>

The default value to use when a key is not found. Default is empty string;

--missing-var-log <string>

The level to log the key not found message. Default is warn.

Accepted values: warn, error, off


Disable color in logs.


Enable token replacements in values recusively.

Example: #{message}# with variables { "message": "hello #{name}#!", "name": "world" } will result in hello world!

--root <string>

The root path to use when reading files with relative paths in sources or variables. Default is the current working directory.

--separator <string>

The separtor to use when flattening keys in variables. Default is ..


  "key1": {
    "key2": ["value1", "value2"],
    "key3": "value3"

Will be flatten to

  "key1.key2.0": "value1",
  "key1.key2.1": "value2",
  "key1.key3": "value3",

--token-pattern <string>

The token pattern to use. Default is default.

Accepted values:

  • azurepipelines: $( ... )
  • custom: token-prefix ... token-suffix
  • default: #{ ... }#
  • doublebraces: {{ ... }}
  • githubactions: ${{ ... }}
  • octopus: #{ ... }

--token-prefix <string>

The token prefix when using custom token pattern.

--token-suffix <string>

The token suffix when using custom token pattern.


Enable transforms on values. The syntax to apply transform on a value is #{<transform>(<name>[,<parameters>])}#

Supported transforms:

  • base64(name): base64 encode the value
  • indent(name[, size, firstline]): indent lines in the value where size is the indent size (default is 2) and firstline specifies if the first line must be indented also (default is false)
  • lower(name): lowercase the value
  • raw(name): raw value (disable escaping)
  • upper(name): uppercase the value


key1: #{base64(key1)}#
#{indent(multiline, 2)}#
#{indent(multiline, 2, true)}#
key4: #{lower(key2)}#
key5: #{raw(key1)}#
key6: #{upper(key1)}#

With variables:

  "key1": "value1",
  "key2": "VALUE2",
  "multiline": "- v1\n- v2"

Will result in:

key1: dmFsdWUx
- v1
  - v2
  - v1
  - v2
key4: value2
key5: value1
key6: VALUE1

--transforms-prefix <string>

The tranforms prefix when using transforms. Default is (.

--transforms-suffix <string>

The tranforms suffix when using transforms. Default is ).


Include environment variables as variables (names are case-insensitive). Parameter is required if --variables is not specified.

--variables <list>

A list of strings or JSON encoded key/values (keys are case-insensitive). Parameter is required if --use-env is not specified.

If an entry starts with:

  • @: value is parsed as a multiple glob patterns separated by a semi-colon (';') using fast-glob syntax to JSON or YAML files
  • $: value is parsed as an environment variable name containing JSON encoded key/value pairs

Multiple entries are merged into a single list of key/value pairs.

Example: '@**/*.(json|yaml);!vars.local.json' '$VARS' '{ "var1": "inline", "var2": "inline" }' will:

  • read and parse all files with .json or .yaml extension except vars.local.json
  • read and parse the environment variable VARS
  • parse the inline key/values { "var": "inline", "var2": "inline" } }


Show version number.


Install replace tokens as a module:

npm install replacetokens


loadVariables(string[] [, options])

import * as rt from 'replacetokens';

const variables = await rt.loadVariables(
    '{ "var1": "value1" }', // inline key/values
    '@**/vars.(json|yml)',  // read all vars.json and vars.yml files under root
    '$VARS'                 // parse env VARS as JSON
    root: '.local'

Load variables from the given list of strings; keys are flatten, merged are returned in uppercase.

See CLI documentation for the parsing pattern and constraints.


  • caseInsensitive (default: false): enable case-insensitive matching in file paths
  • dot (default: false): include directories and files starting with a dot (.) in glob matching results
  • normalizeWin32 (default: false): replace back-slashes (\) with forward-slashes (/) in file paths
  • root: (default: current working directory): root path used when reading files with relative paths
  • separator (default: .): the separator used when flattening the keys

replaceTokens(string[], (string) => string | undefined [, options])

import * as rt from 'replacetokens';

const vars = { VAR1: "hello #{upper(var2)}#", VAR2: "world!" }; // keys must be uppercase

const result = await rt.replaceTokens(
  (name: string) => vars[name],
    recursive: true,
    transforms: { enable: true }

Replaces the tokens in the sources files using the callback getVariable to retrieve the values (name will always be in uppercase).

See CLI documentation for the input files pattern.


  • addBOM (default: false): add BOM when writing files
  • encoding (default: auto): encoding to read and write all files
  • escape: specifies how to escape values
    • chars (default: null): the characters to escape if type is custom
    • escapeChar (default: null): the escape character to use if type is custom
    • type (default: none): the type of escape between: none, auto, json, xml and custom
  • missing: specifies how to manage a key not found
    • action (default: none): the action when a key is not found
    • default (default: null): the default value
    • log (default: warn): the key not found message log level
  • recursive (default: false): specifies if recursive replacement is enabled
  • root (default: current working directory): root path used when reading files with relative paths
  • sources: specifies glob pattern options
    • caseInsensitive (default: false): enable case-insensitive matching in file paths
    • dot (default: false): include directories and files starting with a dot (.) in glob matching results
  • token: specifies the token pattern
    • pattern (default: default): the token pattern
    • prefix (default: null): the token prefix if pattern is custom
    • suffix (default: null): the token suffix if pattern is custom
  • transforms: configures the transforms feature
    • enabled (default: false): specifies if transforms are enabled
    • prefix (default: (): the transform prefix
    • suffix (default: )): the transform suffix