
BMFont compatible, cross-platform command line bitmap font generator

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


BMFont compatible, cross-platform (lin/win/mac) command line bitmap font generator.

sample sample


Linux/macOS Windows Quality
Build Status Build status Codacy Badge


Download compiled version (fontbm.zip for Windows, fontbm for Linux) from Releases. Run:

fontbm --font-file FreeSans.ttf --output myfont

It will produce myfont.fnt (file format) and myfont.png (how to render text).

Available options (bold options are required):

option default comment
--font-file path to ttf file, required (can be set several times for fallback fonts)
--output output files name without extension, required
--font-size 32 font size
--color 255,255,255 foreground RGB color, for example: 32,255,255 (without spaces)
--background-color background RGB color, for example: 0,0,128 (without spaces), transparent by default
--chars 32-126 required characters, for example 32-64,92,120-126 (without spaces), default value is 32-126 if 'chars-file' option is not defined
--chars-file optional path to UTF-8 text file with additional required characters (will be combined with 'chars' option).
--data-format txt output data file format: txt, xml, bin, json
--include-kerning-pairs include kerning pairs to output file
--padding-up 0 padding up
--padding-right 0 padding right
--padding-down 0 padding down
--padding-left 0 padding left
--spacing-vert 0 spacing vertical
--spacing-horiz 0 spacing horizontal
--texture-width 256 texture width
--texture-height 256 texture height
--max-texture-count maximum generated texture count (unlimited if not defined)

Building Linux



cmake .  

Building Windows (using vcpkg)

Download and install vcpkg and CMake 3.10.2 (or above). Run:

vcpkg install freetype
cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015" -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=<path to vcpkg dir>/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake

Open .sln in Visual Studio 2015 and rebuild all.

Building Windows

Download and install CMake 3.0 (or above) and FreeType. Run:

cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015"

Open .sln file in Visual Studio 2015, configure paths to FreeType and rebuild all.

Building macOS

(thanx to andycarle Moddable-OpenSource/moddable#325 (comment))

brew install freetype
git clone https://github.com/vladimirgamalyan/fontbm.git
cd fontbm
cmake .



MIT License

The project also bundles third party software under its own licenses: