
A C++ CSG raytracer and modeler

Primary LanguageC++


Alt text

How to build (Windows):

  1. Get SFML prebuilt libraries at http://www.sfml-dev.org/download.php
  2. Extract SFML library archive in directory <library>/SFML-2.x.x
  3. Set environment variable SFML_ROOT to <library>/SFML-2.x.x
  4. Get ChaiScript 5.X.X (installer) at https://github.com/ChaiScript/ChaiScript/releases
  5. Install ChaiScript in directory <library>/chaiscript 5.x.x
  6. Clone repository in directory <sources>
  7. Create a directory <build>
  8. CMake-GUI :
  9. Set source code directory to <sources>
  10. Set build directory to <build>
  11. Configure (it will fail)
  12. Add an entry CMAKE_MODULE_PATH of type PATH with value <library>/SFML-2.x.x/cmake/Modules
  13. Set entry CHAISCRIPT_INCLUDE_DIR to <library>/chaiscript 5.x.x/include
  14. Configure
  15. Generate
  16. Project has been generated in <build>

How tu build (Linux):

You use Linux. You're strong. Do it yourself. Use CMake.