
Code used in Microsoft Learn Live modules to support Migrating Your Asp.Net App to the Azure Cloud

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Microsoft Learn Live

Microsoft Learn Live is a series of instructor led courses designed to increase our learners' knowledge of Azure technologies. As an extension of Microsoft Learn, Learn Live helps learners to connect multiple concepts to complete a real-world project. Where a typical Learn module focuses on one specific job task, e.g. migrate your SQL database to Azure SQL, a Learn Live series will connect multiple job tasks to complete a full solution, e.g. migrate and secure a web based application to the cloud which includes migration of the database and the existing data.

Find out more about Learn Live

Series overview

Our first Learn Live series is titled "Migrate an ASP.NET Core application from an on-premises environment into Azure". We've created a scenario where we assume that you're a .NET developer working on an in-house system, and now it's time to make a move into the cloud. You work for a fictitious company called VanArsdel. VanArsdel is in the real estate business and they run a beautiful website where they're selling real estate property.

Learn more about the Azure technologies covered in this series


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