
:writing_hand: Case study using AWS ECS to setup personal wordpress

Primary LanguagePHP

AWS ECS Case Study: Setup Personal Wordpress

1 Summary

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2 CheatSheet

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2.1 Requirements

Case study using AWS ECS to setup personal wordpress

  1. Make the blog as available as you can
  2. Make the blog loads as fast as you can
  3. Make the blog cost as low as you can

2.2 Improvements Opportunities

  • TODO: Avoid host nginx.conf in git repo
  • TODO: wordpress docker image: no need to check-in image

End Users -> nginx

80 -> http(8081)
443 -> https(8441)

nginx -> backend

http://www.dennyzhang.com:8081 -> 8083
https://www.dennyzhang.com:8441 -> 8443
http://slack.dennyzhang.com:8081 -> 3000
http://brain.dennyzhang.com:8081 -> 8082   

## Nginx proxy


2.3 TODO:

  • TODO: avoid manually add xmlrpc_denny.php
  • TODO: add nginx proxy server

2.4 Use commands

docker pull denny/challenges-aws-ecs:wordpress_v2 && \
docker pull denny/challenges-aws-ecs:nginx && \
docker pull denny/devops-blog:latest
docker pull denny/devops-blog:nginx-proxy

3 More Resources

License: Code is licensed under MIT License.

  • Useful links
- https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubectl/cheatsheet/
- https://github.com/kubecamp/kubernetes_in_2_days
- https://marc.xn--wckerlin-0za.ch/computer/kubernetes-on-ubuntu-16-04
- https://codefresh.io/kubernetes-guides/kubernetes-cheat-sheet/
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