
A Flutter table widget featuring virtualization, sorting, and custom cell rendering.

Primary LanguageDartBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Dart pub package package publisher

A Flutter table widget featuring virtualization, sorting, and custom cell rendering.


A Flutter table widget featuring virtualization, sorting, and custom cell rendering. Features include:

  • virtualization
  • sorting
  • custom cell rendering
  • cell tooltips
  • customized column widths and grow
  • cell alignment
  • cell validation
  • custom widgets for various table areas (table summary, filtering widgets, action widgets)


Getting started

From the command line:

flutter pub add vtable

And in your project source:

import 'package:vtable/vtable.dart';


Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return VTable<SampleRowData>(
    items: listOfItems,
    columns: [
        label: 'Planet',
        width: 120,
        grow: 0.6,
        transformFunction: (row) => row.name,
        label: 'Gravity',
        width: 100,
        grow: 0.3,
        transformFunction: (row) => row.gravity.toStringAsFixed(1),
        alignment: Alignment.centerRight,
        compareFunction: (a, b) => a.gravity.compareTo(b.gravity),
        validators: [SampleRowData.validateGravity],

See also the main.dart example and the package's API documentation.