
An exploration of compiling Wasm to Dart.

Primary LanguageDartBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Dart CI

An exploration of compiling Wasm to Dart.

Useful docs

Conformance tests

We generate our spec tests from the conformance suite at https://github.com/WebAssembly/spec/tree/main/test/core.

You need to have the wabt tools (wat2wasm, wasm2wat, ...) installed locally.


We have some initial benchmarks in the benchmark/ directory. Run either:

  • dart benchmark/gcd_bench.dart, or
  • dart benchmark/mandelbrot_bench.dart


Updating all the spec tests (test/spec/)

  • dart tool/spec.dart --all

Re-generating a single spec test

  • dart tool/spec.dart spec/test/core/i32.wast

Rebuilding all the samples (samples/)

  • dart tool/regen.dart samples/*.wat

Rebuilding a single sample

  • dart tool/regen.dart samples/bcd.wat

Updating the spec files

  • git submodule update


  • git submodule update --remote