
Primary LanguagePython

Pipeline discovery data match application

Prototype application to facilitate data matching between pipeline inspections.

Project setup


  • postgres >= 9.5
  • python >= 3.6
  1. Clone the repository:

$ git clone git@github.com:devonwalshe/pd.git && cd pd

  1. Install python dependencies:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

  1. Bootstrap seed data

$ createdb pd $ python bootstrap.py

  1. Start flask api server:

$ python -m api.api

  1. test API server response:


  1. Start frontend

cd frontend && PORT=3002 npm run dev

  1. Navigate to frontend


Project Components

  • API
    • Python ORM layer peewee to handle data interface
    • Python webserver flask-restful exposing a REST API
  • Data
    • Inspection run test data
    • Matcher output test data
    • Database dumps
  • Frontend
    • Frontend application facilitating the manual input for the data match (...)
  • Matcher
    • Python application powering the automated data match
  • Tests
    • application wide tests

Introspecting application models

The model definitions, including their attributes and relations are found in api/models/models.py

These don't necessarily make it clear which data is available on each item in the database, so following is instructions to get json like responses from each model:

  1. Start an interactive python session from the project root: $ python (Alternatively you can use ipython which can be installed with pip install ipython)
  2. Load in all the model definitions: from api.models.models import *
  3. Get a single instance of any given model: item = PipeSection.get_by_id(1) (you can replace PipeSection with any model from the api/models/models.py file)
  4. Introspect the model relations and associated data: model_to_dict(item) or model_to_dict(item, recurse=False) if you don't want to include the relations