
Packer image for Vault-raft & vagrant deployment

Primary LanguageRuby


Packer image for Vault-raft & vagrant deployment

How to run this

  1. Run packer build -force packer.pkr.hcl
  2. Copy Vagrantfile, vault.j2 and install.yml to the output-autogenerated_1 dir.
  3. Currently using a GCP KMS key for auto-unseal, this should be changed with your own key.
  4. cd into the dir and run vagrant up


  • need help pushing it to Vagrant Cloud from packer.
  • need help in standardising it and contributing.
  • There should be a standard for packer images with an opinionated cfg-mgmt
  • Maybe have the Vagrantfile in a seperate repo?
  • Would like everyone to run this and raise bugs.
  • Add a further two nodes as non-voters to test out auto-pilot.
  • Setup a DR cluster with replication.
  • setup an nginx load-balancer
  • setup minio (S3 based object for raft snapshots)