
Repository to prep services for terraform-tfc-workspace

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Terraform TFC Workspace Module

This terraform module creates TFC/E workspaces with Vault integration. Vault shall manage the team token dedicated for running this workspace.

It is intended to be used by a CICD pipeline outside of VCS Integration.


module "terraform_workspace" {
  source               = "git::https://github.com/devops-adeel/terraform-tfc-workspace.git?ref=v0.1.0"
  application_name     = local.application_name
  vault_namespace      = local.namespace
  username             = var.username
  vault_address        = var.vault_address
  organization         = var.organization
  vault_approle_id     = module.vault_approle.approle_id
  vault_approle_secret = module.vault_approle.approle_secret
  backend_path         = module.tfc_secrets.backend_path


Vault is required as well as having setup Vault TFC Secrets Engine, see here


Name Version
tfe n/a
vault n/a


No modules.


Name Type
tfe_team.default resource
tfe_team_access.default resource
tfe_team_member.default resource
tfe_variable.approle_id resource
tfe_variable.approle_secret resource
tfe_variable.vault_addr resource
tfe_variable.vault_address resource
tfe_variable.vault_namespace resource
tfe_variable.vault_token_name resource
tfe_workspace.default resource
vault_terraform_cloud_secret_role.default resource


Name Description Type Default Required
application_name Name of the application/customer string n/a yes
backend_path The secret backend mount Vault TFC secrets engine. string n/a yes
organization TFC Organisation. string n/a yes
username TFC username string n/a yes
vault_address Vault Address URL string n/a yes
vault_approle_id Vault Approle ID string n/a yes
vault_approle_secret Vault Approle Secret ID string n/a yes
vault_namespace Vault namespace to add as TFC variable string n/a yes


Name Description
tfc_secret_role Vault Secret role name
tfc_team_id Terraform Cloud Team ID
workspace_id TFC workspace ID
workspace_name TFC workspace name