Build and Deploy nodejs application on EC2 instance - Freestyle


  1. A Jenkins server
  2. A EC2 instance (Application server) and deploy node.js

Setup nodejs packages on jenkins (needed for build) and application server (needed to deploy)

  1. Enable nodejs packages on Linux server

    curl -sL | bash -
  2. install development tools.

    yum groupinstall 'Development Tools'
  3. Install nodejs

    yum -y install nodejs

Setup Jenkins job

Fork nodejs applicaton onto your repository

Github URL:

Using simple "hello world" application from the website

On Jenkins GUI

  1. Create the new FreeStyle Project
    Git URL -

BUILD --> Execute Shell npm install

npm install
tar czf easyio.tar-$BUILD_NUMBER.gz node_modules main.js package.json public LICENSE

To Deploy on nodejs application server

Sundar changes on 05 Jan 2022####