Prowlarr API docs
This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: v1.31.2.4975
- Package version: 1.1.0
- Generator version: 7.12.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen
Python 3.8+
If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:
pip install git+
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+
Then import the package:
import prowlarr
Install via Setuptools.
python install --user
(or sudo python install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import prowlarr
Execute pytest
to run the tests.
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import prowlarr
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost:9696
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = prowlarr.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost:9696"
# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.
# Configure API key authorization: apikey
configuration.api_key['apikey'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['apikey'] = 'Bearer'
# Configure API key authorization: X-Api-Key
configuration.api_key['X-Api-Key'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['X-Api-Key'] = 'Bearer'
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with prowlarr.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = prowlarr.ApiInfoApi(api_client)
api_response = api_instance.get_api()
print("The response of ApiInfoApi->get_api:\n")
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling ApiInfoApi->get_api: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to http://localhost:9696
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
ApiInfoApi | get_api | GET /api | |
AppProfileApi | create_app_profile | POST /api/v1/appprofile | |
AppProfileApi | delete_app_profile | DELETE /api/v1/appprofile/{id} | |
AppProfileApi | get_app_profile_by_id | GET /api/v1/appprofile/{id} | |
AppProfileApi | get_app_profile_schema | GET /api/v1/appprofile/schema | |
AppProfileApi | list_app_profile | GET /api/v1/appprofile | |
AppProfileApi | update_app_profile | PUT /api/v1/appprofile/{id} | |
ApplicationApi | create_applications | POST /api/v1/applications | |
ApplicationApi | create_applications_action_by_name | POST /api/v1/applications/action/{name} | |
ApplicationApi | delete_applications | DELETE /api/v1/applications/{id} | |
ApplicationApi | delete_applications_bulk | DELETE /api/v1/applications/bulk | |
ApplicationApi | get_applications_by_id | GET /api/v1/applications/{id} | |
ApplicationApi | list_applications | GET /api/v1/applications | |
ApplicationApi | list_applications_schema | GET /api/v1/applications/schema | |
ApplicationApi | put_applications_bulk | PUT /api/v1/applications/bulk | |
ApplicationApi | test_applications | POST /api/v1/applications/test | |
ApplicationApi | testall_applications | POST /api/v1/applications/testall | |
ApplicationApi | update_applications | PUT /api/v1/applications/{id} | |
AuthenticationApi | create_login | POST /login | |
AuthenticationApi | get_logout | GET /logout | |
BackupApi | create_system_backup_restore_by_id | POST /api/v1/system/backup/restore/{id} | |
BackupApi | create_system_backup_restore_upload | POST /api/v1/system/backup/restore/upload | |
BackupApi | delete_system_backup | DELETE /api/v1/system/backup/{id} | |
BackupApi | list_system_backup | GET /api/v1/system/backup | |
CommandApi | create_command | POST /api/v1/command | |
CommandApi | delete_command | DELETE /api/v1/command/{id} | |
CommandApi | get_command_by_id | GET /api/v1/command/{id} | |
CommandApi | list_command | GET /api/v1/command | |
CustomFilterApi | create_custom_filter | POST /api/v1/customfilter | |
CustomFilterApi | delete_custom_filter | DELETE /api/v1/customfilter/{id} | |
CustomFilterApi | get_custom_filter_by_id | GET /api/v1/customfilter/{id} | |
CustomFilterApi | list_custom_filter | GET /api/v1/customfilter | |
CustomFilterApi | update_custom_filter | PUT /api/v1/customfilter/{id} | |
DevelopmentConfigApi | get_development_config | GET /api/v1/config/development | |
DevelopmentConfigApi | get_development_config_by_id | GET /api/v1/config/development/{id} | |
DevelopmentConfigApi | update_development_config | PUT /api/v1/config/development/{id} | |
DownloadClientApi | create_download_client | POST /api/v1/downloadclient | |
DownloadClientApi | create_download_client_action_by_name | POST /api/v1/downloadclient/action/{name} | |
DownloadClientApi | delete_download_client | DELETE /api/v1/downloadclient/{id} | |
DownloadClientApi | delete_download_client_bulk | DELETE /api/v1/downloadclient/bulk | |
DownloadClientApi | get_download_client_by_id | GET /api/v1/downloadclient/{id} | |
DownloadClientApi | list_download_client | GET /api/v1/downloadclient | |
DownloadClientApi | list_download_client_schema | GET /api/v1/downloadclient/schema | |
DownloadClientApi | put_download_client_bulk | PUT /api/v1/downloadclient/bulk | |
DownloadClientApi | test_download_client | POST /api/v1/downloadclient/test | |
DownloadClientApi | testall_download_client | POST /api/v1/downloadclient/testall | |
DownloadClientApi | update_download_client | PUT /api/v1/downloadclient/{id} | |
DownloadClientConfigApi | get_download_client_config | GET /api/v1/config/downloadclient | |
DownloadClientConfigApi | get_download_client_config_by_id | GET /api/v1/config/downloadclient/{id} | |
DownloadClientConfigApi | update_download_client_config | PUT /api/v1/config/downloadclient/{id} | |
FileSystemApi | get_file_system | GET /api/v1/filesystem | |
FileSystemApi | get_file_system_type | GET /api/v1/filesystem/type | |
HealthApi | list_health | GET /api/v1/health | |
HistoryApi | get_history | GET /api/v1/history | |
HistoryApi | list_history_indexer | GET /api/v1/history/indexer | |
HistoryApi | list_history_since | GET /api/v1/history/since | |
HostConfigApi | get_host_config | GET /api/v1/config/host | |
HostConfigApi | get_host_config_by_id | GET /api/v1/config/host/{id} | |
HostConfigApi | update_host_config | PUT /api/v1/config/host/{id} | |
IndexerApi | create_indexer | POST /api/v1/indexer | |
IndexerApi | create_indexer_action_by_name | POST /api/v1/indexer/action/{name} | |
IndexerApi | delete_indexer | DELETE /api/v1/indexer/{id} | |
IndexerApi | delete_indexer_bulk | DELETE /api/v1/indexer/bulk | |
IndexerApi | get_indexer_by_id | GET /api/v1/indexer/{id} | |
IndexerApi | list_indexer | GET /api/v1/indexer | |
IndexerApi | list_indexer_schema | GET /api/v1/indexer/schema | |
IndexerApi | put_indexer_bulk | PUT /api/v1/indexer/bulk | |
IndexerApi | test_indexer | POST /api/v1/indexer/test | |
IndexerApi | testall_indexer | POST /api/v1/indexer/testall | |
IndexerApi | update_indexer | PUT /api/v1/indexer/{id} | |
IndexerDefaultCategoriesApi | list_indexer_categories | GET /api/v1/indexer/categories | |
IndexerProxyApi | create_indexer_proxy | POST /api/v1/indexerproxy | |
IndexerProxyApi | create_indexer_proxy_action_by_name | POST /api/v1/indexerproxy/action/{name} | |
IndexerProxyApi | delete_indexer_proxy | DELETE /api/v1/indexerproxy/{id} | |
IndexerProxyApi | get_indexer_proxy_by_id | GET /api/v1/indexerproxy/{id} | |
IndexerProxyApi | list_indexer_proxy | GET /api/v1/indexerproxy | |
IndexerProxyApi | list_indexer_proxy_schema | GET /api/v1/indexerproxy/schema | |
IndexerProxyApi | test_indexer_proxy | POST /api/v1/indexerproxy/test | |
IndexerProxyApi | testall_indexer_proxy | POST /api/v1/indexerproxy/testall | |
IndexerProxyApi | update_indexer_proxy | PUT /api/v1/indexerproxy/{id} | |
IndexerStatsApi | get_indexer_stats | GET /api/v1/indexerstats | |
IndexerStatusApi | list_indexer_status | GET /api/v1/indexerstatus | |
LocalizationApi | get_localization | GET /api/v1/localization | |
LocalizationApi | list_localization_options | GET /api/v1/localization/options | |
LogApi | get_log | GET /api/v1/log | |
LogFileApi | get_log_file_by_filename | GET /api/v1/log/file/{filename} | |
LogFileApi | list_log_file | GET /api/v1/log/file | |
NewznabApi | get_indexer_download | GET /api/v1/indexer/{id}/download | |
NewznabApi | get_indexer_newznab | GET /api/v1/indexer/{id}/newznab | |
NotificationApi | create_notification | POST /api/v1/notification | |
NotificationApi | create_notification_action_by_name | POST /api/v1/notification/action/{name} | |
NotificationApi | delete_notification | DELETE /api/v1/notification/{id} | |
NotificationApi | get_notification_by_id | GET /api/v1/notification/{id} | |
NotificationApi | list_notification | GET /api/v1/notification | |
NotificationApi | list_notification_schema | GET /api/v1/notification/schema | |
NotificationApi | test_notification | POST /api/v1/notification/test | |
NotificationApi | testall_notification | POST /api/v1/notification/testall | |
NotificationApi | update_notification | PUT /api/v1/notification/{id} | |
PingApi | get_ping | GET /ping | |
PingApi | head_ping | HEAD /ping | |
SearchApi | create_search | POST /api/v1/search | |
SearchApi | create_search_bulk | POST /api/v1/search/bulk | |
SearchApi | list_search | GET /api/v1/search | |
StaticResourceApi | get_by_path | GET /{path} | |
StaticResourceApi | get_content_by_path | GET /content/{path} | |
StaticResourceApi | get_login | GET /login | |
SystemApi | create_system_restart | POST /api/v1/system/restart | |
SystemApi | create_system_shutdown | POST /api/v1/system/shutdown | |
SystemApi | get_system_routes | GET /api/v1/system/routes | |
SystemApi | get_system_routes_duplicate | GET /api/v1/system/routes/duplicate | |
SystemApi | get_system_status | GET /api/v1/system/status | |
TagApi | create_tag | POST /api/v1/tag | |
TagApi | delete_tag | DELETE /api/v1/tag/{id} | |
TagApi | get_tag_by_id | GET /api/v1/tag/{id} | |
TagApi | list_tag | GET /api/v1/tag | |
TagApi | update_tag | PUT /api/v1/tag/{id} | |
TagDetailsApi | get_tag_detail_by_id | GET /api/v1/tag/detail/{id} | |
TagDetailsApi | list_tag_detail | GET /api/v1/tag/detail | |
TaskApi | get_system_task_by_id | GET /api/v1/system/task/{id} | |
TaskApi | list_system_task | GET /api/v1/system/task | |
UiConfigApi | get_ui_config | GET /api/v1/config/ui | |
UiConfigApi | get_ui_config_by_id | GET /api/v1/config/ui/{id} | |
UiConfigApi | update_ui_config | PUT /api/v1/config/ui/{id} | |
UpdateApi | list_update | GET /api/v1/update | |
UpdateLogFileApi | get_log_file_update_by_filename | GET /api/v1/log/file/update/{filename} | |
UpdateLogFileApi | list_log_file_update | GET /api/v1/log/file/update |
- ApiInfoResource
- AppProfileResource
- ApplicationBulkResource
- ApplicationResource
- ApplicationSyncLevel
- ApplyTags
- AuthenticationRequiredType
- AuthenticationType
- BackupResource
- BackupType
- BookSearchParam
- CertificateValidationType
- Command
- CommandPriority
- CommandResource
- CommandStatus
- CommandTrigger
- ContractField
- CustomFilterResource
- DatabaseType
- DevelopmentConfigResource
- DownloadClientBulkResource
- DownloadClientCategory
- DownloadClientConfigResource
- DownloadClientResource
- DownloadProtocol
- HealthCheckResult
- HealthResource
- HistoryEventType
- HistoryResource
- HistoryResourcePagingResource
- HostConfigResource
- HostStatistics
- IndexerBulkResource
- IndexerCapabilityResource
- IndexerCategory
- IndexerPrivacy
- IndexerProxyResource
- IndexerResource
- IndexerStatistics
- IndexerStatsResource
- IndexerStatusResource
- LocalizationOption
- LogFileResource
- LogResource
- LogResourcePagingResource
- MovieSearchParam
- MusicSearchParam
- NotificationResource
- PingResource
- PrivacyLevel
- ProviderMessage
- ProviderMessageType
- ProxyType
- ReleaseResource
- RuntimeMode
- SearchParam
- SelectOption
- SortDirection
- SystemResource
- TagDetailsResource
- TagResource
- TaskResource
- TvSearchParam
- UiConfigResource
- UpdateChanges
- UpdateMechanism
- UpdateResource
- UserAgentStatistics
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: X-Api-Key
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: apikey
- Location: URL query string