
A Docker container with the Hugo static web site generator compiler configuration


This repository supplies the Docker Hub container located at https://hub.docker.com/r/devopsdays/docker-hugo-compiler/ . Docker Hub will automatically update the creation of the Docker image when it detects any changes made to this repository.

devopsdays/docker-hugo-compiler is an installation of Hugo release 0.30.2 running on Alpine Linux release 3.4.


Docker image that runs the Hugo static web site compiler to generate a static web site from a Markdown description located in a directory.

Use this Docker container instead of installing Hugo directly on your computer. This will keep Hugo and its dependencies separate from any software you have installed.

The file hugoCompiler is provided as an example run script to execute the Hugo compiler within this image. The command to run the compiler from the root directory of the web site is:

docker run --rm -e SITE_URL="http://www.mysite.com" -v $(pwd):/site devopsdays/docker-hugo-compiler

The options are:

  • --rm will remove the Docker container created from the image after the compiler finishes.

  • -e sets the environment variable SITE_URL within the container. This is the URL for the website which is included in various ways in the generated web site source code.

  • -v mounts a data volume in the container. The command will mount the present working directory (PWD) to the internal directory /site, which is the workspace defined in the containers.


Create a directory in your computer, place a normal Hugo website definition and run the command (above). The result is that the generated website is placed in the directory ../public.


Based upon databliss/docker-hugo-compiler by Randolph Kahle