
Task Management Web App using ReactJS and Django

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Task Management Web App using ReactJS and Django

A simple task management web application to stay organised and productive. The web app consists of a frontend using ReactJS framework and a backend using Django Rest Framework. In order to run the web app the steps to be followed are:-

  1. Clone the repository or download the zip version.
  2. Download and install Python version 3.7.6 or above and NPM version 6.14.5 or above.
  3. Navigate to the server_logic directory. This directory contains the backend code for the web app.
  4. Run the following command $ pip install -r requirements.txt. This installs all the python modules required for running the backend server.
  5. Start the server on port 8000 with the following command python manage.py runserver 8000.
  6. Once the server is up and running, navigate back to the todo-list directory in the root of the repository.
  7. This directory contains the code for the frontend of the web application.
  8. Run the following command $ npm install. This command install the node modules required for running the frontend.
  9. If any errors are encountered while installing the node modules, these can be fixed by use of the commands $ npm audit and $ npm audit fix
  10. After the installation of node modules, run the command $ npm start in order to start the frontend.
  11. The web app now runs at port 3000 on localhost by default and can be accessed by means of a web browser.

The web app is also hosted on https://todolistreactdjango.herokuapp.com/.

The Project is also featured @ DjangoSites.org. Link is here - https://www.djangosites.org/s/todolistreactdjango-herokuapp-com/.