This is welcome page of the DevOpsHQ project. You can see full russian instruction here.
Table of contents:
DevOpsHQ is a small project that contains tools we use in our daily work. All the tools are licensed under MIT. You are welcome to contribute to our project, help is appreciated.
If you have any questions you can contact project administrators: Alexander Pazdnikov, Timur Gilmullin and Aleksey Burov.
Our goal is to have open source solutions for various aspects of Application Lifecycle Management (ALM), such as development, testing, delivery, deployment and licensing. We want to:
- Accumulate knowledge related to Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) methodologies and best practices.
- Design and develop tools for continuous ALM support: from committing a line of code to deploying an app at the customer's infrastructure.
- Organize existing CI/CD solutions into a fully-functional system.
- Unite developers and companies around that such ALM system.
We also want our tools to be accessible as easily as possible by software companies and individual developers alike.
Published tools:
ExampleProject — typical example DevOpsHQ-project. Basic functionality is implemented, such as code quality, build, tests, deploy to pypi and notifications. Travis CI is used for CI/CD. Documentation contains examples and recommendations for deploying a project in a similar manner. Basically, this project can be used as a template for your own DevOpsHQ project.
- dohq-teamcity — python package providing access to the JetBrains TeamCity server API. GitHub
- dohq-youtrack — python client for JetBrains YouTrack API. GitHub
- dohq-tfs — python client for Microsoft Team Foundation Server API. GitHub
- dohq-artifactory — python client for JFrog Artifactory API. GitHub
- CrossPM — cross-platform package manager. GitHub
- vspheretools — a set of tools for managing VMs in vSphere. GitHub
- FuzzyClassificator — data classifier based on fuzzy logic and neural network technology. GitHub
- FuzzyRoutines — python library to work with fuzzy scales, fuzzy logic and fuzzy sets.
- FunnyTestPage — simple test (ru): can you become UI tester?
Projects to be published:
- CrossBuilder — cross-platform Build As a Code software, can be used with TeamCity, Jenkins, GitLab CI, Travis CI e.t.c.
- ChangelogBuilder — generates products release notes by aggregating data from issue tracking systems (TFS, YouTrack, GitLab, JIRA e.t.c.).
- MSI SDK — toolkit used to create msi and deb packages for product installers.
- SupplyLab — Continuous Delivery system (GUS + FLUS + LicenseLab). Delivers products, updates and licenses to customer.
- pytest-testrail — python client for publishing pytest results to Gurock TestRail.
Here are some articles (in Russian):
- "Личный опыт: как выглядит наша система Continuous Integration" (статья на Хабре)
- "Миссия выполнима: как развить DevOps в компании со множеством проектов" (статья на Хабре)
- "DevOps в современных ИТ уже давно выделился в самостоятельную инженерную дисциплину" (интервью в Системном администраторе)
- "Автоматизация процессов разработки: как мы в Positive Technologies внедряли идеи DevOps" (статья на Хабре)
And some videos from our meetups (also in Russian):
- Op!DevOps! 2016 — митап Op!DevOps! прошёл 7 октября 2016 г. в Москве. На нём в формате фаст-трека были озвучены проблемы в области автоматизации разработки и тестирования, а также предложены методы и средства их решения.
- "Сообщество DevOpsHQ идеология и инструменты" — анонс открытого сообщества Open DevOps Community.
- Op!DevOps! 2017 — митап Op!DevOps! 2017 прошёл 21 октября в московском офисе компании Positive Technologies. Мы провели приятный субботний вечер и в узком, почти семейном кругу, обсудили проблемы автоматизации, которые удалось решить нашей DevOps-команде за прошедший год. Кроме того, мы рассмотрели некоторые технологии и инструменты, поделились планами развития DevOps.
- "Развитие сообщества Open DevOps Community" — рассказали о развитии сообщества Open DevOps Community, показали опубликованные проекты за 2017 год, поделились планами развития сообщества.
- If you have any questions, please contact Timur Gilmullin:
- Our Telegram channel:
- Our Telegram stickers :)