
An implementation of Hyperledger Composer to improve transparency and traceability of supply chain

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hyperledger Composer Supply Chain Network

This is one implementation of Hyperledger Composer for supply chain, which demonstrates how Hyperledger blockchain improve transparency and traceability of industrial supply chain.

How to run it?

  1. Install packages: npm install
  2. Create a folder for local archive: mkdir dist
  3. Generate the BNA(Business Network Archieve) file: npm run prepublish
  4. Next, in a browser, navigate to the online Bluemix Composer Playground http://composer-playground.mybluemix.net and import the newly-generated BNA file into the Playground using the "Import/Replace" button at the bottom left of the screen. Locate the dist/hyperledger-supply-chain-network.bna file under your 'hyperledger-supply-chain-network' folder and upload it. This automatically deploys the new business network.
  5. Try to play with it. (Playground Tutorial)


P.S. No.4 just only runs on web brower, all the data are stored in local storage. If you want run it on real blockchain network. Please follow Developer Guide and Developer Environment to make it real!


This business network defines:

  • Participant Supplier Manufacturer Distributor Retailer Customer

  • Asset Commodity

  • Transaction InitiatePO TransferCommodity SetupDemo

  • Event none

Commodity are owned by a Supplier, Manufacturer, Distributor, Retailer or Customer, and the owner property on a Commodity can be modified by submitting a transaction(e.g. M2O, O2D). The transaction emits a SampleEvent that notifies applications of the old and new values for each modified Commodity.(WIP)

How to play on Bluemix Composer Playground?

To test this Business Network Definition in the Test tab:

Create a Manufacturer participant:

  "$class": "org.hcsc.network.Manufacturer",
  "tradeId": "M1",
  "companyName": "FAST"

Create a Commodity asset:

  "$class": "org.hcsc.network.Commodity",
  "tradingSymbol": "ts1",
  "description": "Aliquip.",
  "quantity": 216.3,
  "owner": "resource:org.hcsc.network.Manufacturer#M1"

Submit a TransferCommodity transaction:

  "$class": "org.hcsc.network.TransferCommodity",
  "commodity": "resource:org.hcsc.network.Commodity#ts1",
  "issuer": "resource:org.hcsc.network.Manufacturer#M1",
  "newOwner": "resource:org.hcsc.network.Distributor#D1"

After submitting this transaction, you should now see the transaction in the Transaction Registry and that a SampleEvent has been emitted(WIP). As a result, the value of the tradingSymbol:ts1 should now be new owner in the Asset Registry.

Pre-requisites on MacOS

Installing and running Hyperledger Composer Playground locally

  1. Pick a directory that you want to install into, then run the following command to download and start a Hyperledger Fabric instance and Hyperledger Composer Playground:
curl -sSL https://hyperledger.github.io/composer/install-hlfv1.sh | bash
  1. Access your local Hyperledger Composer Playground by clicking this link: http://localhost:8080. Please note: Private browsing is not supported when running the Playground locally.

Set Up Fabric

  1. kill and remove all running containers, and should remove all previously created Hyperledger Fabric chaincode images.
docker kill $(docker ps -q)
docker rm $(docker ps -aq)
docker rmi $(docker images dev-* -q)
  1. Download the fabric runtime first. If you have already downloaded it, then start the fabric environment, and create a Hyperledger Composer profile. :
cd tools/fabric/
  1. Stop Fabric runtime at the end of your development session:
cd tools/fabric/

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