#NOTE: This is a test project to integrate Parse's Push API with Cordova. Not production ready.
Simple plugin that returns your string prefixed with hello.
Gretting a user with "Hello, world" is something that could be done in JavaScript. This plugin provides a simple example demonstrating how Corodva plugins work.
Clone the plugin
$ git clone https://github.com/don/cordova-plugin-hello.git
Create a new Corodva Project
$ cordova create hello com.example.helloapp Hello
Install the plugin
$ cd hello
$ cordova plugin install ../cordova-plugin-hello
Edit www/js/index.html
and add the following code inside onDeviceReady
var success = function(message) {
var failure = function() {
alert("Error calling Hello Plugin");
hello.greet("World", success, failure);
Install iOS or Android platform
cordova platform add ios
corodva platform add android
Run the code
cordova run
For more information on setting up Cordova see the documentation
For more info on plugins see the Plugin Development Guide