this is a TF2 trading bot written in python, it's still far from being at the level i want it to be.
replace these files and fill with your information
Settings_example.json -> Settings.json
SteamGuard_example.json -> SteamGuard.json
at this point here's what the bot can do:
- check for offers every 15 seconds and process them
- send a heartbeat every 5mins
- update the current_stock in db if it accepts a trade in the last 5mins
stuff i need to add:
- check for incoming messages the deal with them
- auto add/remove/update listings
- still have to think about that.
- work on the website
- learn the django rest api
- finish the index page (add/delete/update items from db)
- add a login system so that only the admin can change
- when that's done show only prices/stock to normal users
- ideas that might not happen:
- make an android app to replace the website for phones
i may updating only this file for quite a while since i have other things to focus on.