When he's not flying around with the Solos and Skywalkers on the Millenium Falcon, C-3PO decided to help LTTKGP out with managing the huge amount of songs being posted each day to the group and organising them in a database (such a nice guy!) so we can build cool functionality on top of it.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Docker & Docker Compose
Spotify Web API Credentials
You will also need Spotify authorization for fetching song metadata. The prodcude is very straightforward. Register a new application here: Spotify for Developers
That will give you a unique client ID and client secret key to use in authorization flows.
Google Application Credentials
Google Application Credentials is an API key that is required to extract YouTube metadata from the Youtube Data API. To get the key, create a new project on the Google Developer Console, enable the YouTube Data API and proceed to
and create a new API key.
Create a
file, using the.env.template
file as reference.cp .env.template .env
Fill all the fields using the credentials created as part of the pre-requisites.
Run the server with:
docker-compose up
The API server should be accessible at http://localhost:5000/.
Follow the instructions on R2-D2 and start it.
Contributions are always welcome. Your contributions could either be creating new features, fixing bugs or improving documentation and examples. Find more detailed information in CONTRIBUTING.md.