How to use python files ?

The python source code files which provide automation include


Other python / ipython files are my approach to the assignment questions. They provide the code for the content(solutions) of the markdown in this repo.

This file provides code for scrapping data from the website mentioned in the first question of the Assignment - []

First things first

Things to keep in mind while using the file:

  • Install all required libraries beforehand. Either do a pip install or manually install them in the appropriate environment if using Anaconda (recommended).
  • Selenium is the most important package to be installed.
  • Install geckodriver for firefox and export it to PATH.
  • Copy the source code py file to a fresh directory and execute from that directory.

Changes to be made to code

  • host_name should be changed to whatever host you wish to ping.
  • Similarly, packet_size must also be changed if you wish to use other than 64 bytes, which is default.
host_name = ""
packet_size = str(64)
  • The range in for loop is set to iterate 20 times, as per question.
for x in range (20):
  • Change the file name when writing to .csv file for a host other than the one used previously. This is to provide convenience and better manageability. However, it is not compulsory.
with open(r'data_host2.csv', 'a', newline='') as csvfile:

This file provides code for adding the header to the csv files generated from

Changes to be made to code

  • Change the file name at both occurences to the file-name.csv which was generated for a particular host from previous code. You can manually check the working directory for the presence of csv files.
with open(r'data_host5.csv',newline='') as f:
    r = csv.reader(f)
    data = [line for line in r]
with open(r'data_host2.csv','w',newline='') as f:


  • Put a method/ line of code for header row to csv file generated in so that there is no need for
  • Add time.sleep() in so as to fully automate the process for different times of the day.
  • Make a list of all hosts to be pinged so as to remove the pain of manually changing host_name every time a new host has to be pinged. Iterate over that list.
  • Add if...else or try...except clause to handle the condition when packet loss is 100%
  • Write code to automatic change the file-name.csv when the host_name is changed.
  • Check why does webdriver stops sometimes on fewer than 20 iterations.
  • Add geographical location information to the dictionary dict_ping_details by scrapping the website - []