
My first intro to ricing on linux

Primary LanguageShell

I do not maintain this repo anymore now. With time, my hobby to rice has dwindled. I use gnome as the default DE with some community-created themes and tweaks, with as little custommizations as possible. I have also moved to Manjaro Linux from Void Linux from Ubuntu (the three distros that I have used for the majority of time).

Linux ricing

The old configs have been moved here.

Most of the setups/tricks/configs/extensions/tweaks from the old still do work.

If you are new to ricing, I suggest you to start by implementing/reading the old README.md file because most of the new setups have been taken from the old and built/modified upon it or are a minimal version of the old with new workflow styles.

However, I am setting up fresh installs and setups on my Pavi (Pavilion15 cx0140tx).

Basic System Overview About Pavi, by neofetch

The sections below deal mainly with the workflow and newly learned things/apps/concepts -

For appearance, look and theming of these apps or the desktop, see appearance.md

conda init command, if not using bash

If your $SHELL echo $SHELL is not bash, then the conda package manager (of anaconda) may not get initiated for that particular shell, say for example zsh.

conda, by default, places its initialization script in ~/.bashrc.

So conda in zsh will say zsh: command not found: conda.

Workaround -

DO NOT source .bashrc at the end of .zshrc because I have found it makes zsh loading slow.

You can open a bash session in zsh by typing $ bash and then run conda commands.

OR (recommended)

conda init zsh

See conda init --help for more.

Deactivate auto-start of conda on launching a terminal

If you'd prefer that conda's base environment not be activated on startup, set the auto_activate_base parameter to false:

conda config --set auto_activate_base false

VSCode sync

Settings, configurations, extensions for VSCode is synced by the following VSCode extension -

Settings sync

It saves your settings, etc. in your github gist from which they can be downloaded on a new system or fresh install.


A minimal and vim-like pdf viewer which is light and extremely configurable.

The configuration file for zathura has to be set up in ~/.config/zathura/ as zathurarc which is a plain text file which is read by zathura line by line (# comment lines ignored).

The documentation provides ways to set up colors, window sizes, etc.

See documentation - zathura

See documentation - girara, where you can set window sizes, etc.

my configuration


I have written some frequently used and important (and easily forgettable) commands here.


Still not used, just installed.


I was installing mpv from git-master but couldn't.

Somehow, I stumbled upon gnome-mpv, now renamed to celluloid, which is a GTK+ frontend of mpv, built on mpv. So, I installed that from flathub.

I have still not experimented/played-around with it.

bash scripts

Some basic bash commands and syntax to help create small scripts and which should be remembered.

eval "echo 2.4+1 | bc"
echo "NO of arguments = $#"
if [ -e $1 ]
echo yes
echo no
if [ -z $2 ]
then echo empty
else echo not empty
if [ "$3" = "" ]
then echo third positional arg empty
echo third positional arg not empty
# head -n 12 hi.txt | tail -n $(( 12 -5+1 )) 5 to 12 lines
var1=$(which python3)
if [ "$var1" != "" ]
then echo found; echo $var1
echo notfound
dialog --backtitle "back" --title "title" --infobox "info" 10 20
echo -e "\033[0;31m fi"
read -p "enter" varname
echo $varname
### getopts command
while getopts ":ht" opt; do
  case ${opt} in
    h ) # process option h
    echo h
    t ) # process option t
    echo t
    \? ) echo "Usage: cmd [-h] [-t]"

For a good and comprehensive study, read the website ryanstutorial