
Repository created to complete Spring microservices course on Udemy

Primary LanguageJava


Repository created to complete John Thompson's Microservices course on Udemy


In order to run the microservices

  1. Install Docker on your machine (v20.10.3 used during development)

  2. Install Docker IDE plugin

  3. Run src/main/docker/local-logging/compose-logging.yaml file


  • To open Eureka console, go to: http://netflix:eureka@eureka:8761/eureka/


  • To see the Elasticsearch logs, go to: http://localhost:5601/app/kibana


  • To enter phpMyAdmin, go to: http://root:password@localhost:8084/

Docker Hub

See Docker images in my Docker Hub repo under https://hub.docker.com/u/qkiz288
To push the Docker image to your docker hub:
  1. in maven settings.xml add:
  2. In pom.xml set qkiz288 as docker.image.prefix property
  3. run: mvn clean package docker:build docker:push

Related repositories

  1. Developed for microservices

  2. Developed for practice: