
Helm chart for enabling cron pod on the kubernetes cluster to upload cluster data to DevRev cloud.

Primary LanguageSmartyMIT LicenseMIT


Helm chart for enabling cron pod on the kubernetes cluster to upload cluster data to DevRev cloud.

Kubernetes Compatibility

Currently, collector is supported upto Kubernetes Version 1.24.X. If your API server is above that cronjob will not be installed by the helm chart.


  1. Install git if not already installed

  2. Install Helm if not already installed

Steps to install charts on cluster

The following commands must be executed on the cluster after all prerequisite are installed.

  1. Clone this repository

    git clone https://github.com/devrev/k8s-info-collector-charts.git 
  2. Generate Application access token (AAT)

    1. To generate application access token user need to use Personal Access Token(PAT) generated through DevRev application.

      • How to Generate PAT?
        1. After logging in to DevRev app click on the organization icon and select DevOrg Settings.
        2. Select Account tab.
        3. Scroll to the section Personal Access Token and generate New Token (Please note down the PAT as its visible only one time).
        4. For some reason if you lose PAT create new one with above steps
    2. Use below curl command to generate AAT. Make sure you replace <PAT> in command with the actual PAT obtained in above step. From response copy the access_token which is your AAT.

      curl --location --request POST 'https://api.devrev.ai/token' \
      --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --header 'Authorization: <PAT>' \
      --data-raw '{
      "grant_type" : "urn:devrev:params:oauth:grant-type:token-issue",
      "requested_token_type" : "urn:devrev:params:oauth:token-type:aat",
      "token_hint":"kubernetes data for parts discovery"
  3. Set env variable using AAT generated in above Step

  4. Execute below command to upgrade helm chart on your kubernetes cluster.

    helm upgrade --install  k8s-info-cron-service ./k8s-info-collector-charts/k8s-info-cron-service \
    --set secret.applicationToken=$AAT_TOKEN --create-namespace --namespace=k8s-info-cron-service
  5. You can view the cronjob on the cluster using the following command

    kubectl describe cronjob -n k8s-info-cron-service 
  6. The collector cron job by default runs once every 6 hours. This frequency can be tuned by adding the cronString parameters to the command while installing the collector. The below example will make the cronjob run every hour.

    helm upgrade --install k8s-info-cron-service ./k8s-info-collector-charts/k8s-info-cron-service \
    --set secret.applicationToken=$AAT_TOKEN --create-namespace --namespace=k8s-info-cron-service \
    --set cronString='0 */1 * * *'
  7. Learn more about Parts Discovery here