🧙 A React wizard (stepper) builder without the hassle, powered by hooks.
- 4
Improve documentation for the "wrapper" prop
#184 opened by Ali762 - 0
Ignore fragment in child component
#199 opened by sfc-gh-xwen - 0
- 0
Cannot handle Lazy and suspense
#193 opened by Reytar - 0
Proposal: Using key-properties as references
#191 opened by LukasOchmann - 0
bundled size is extremely high
#189 opened by nikitph - 5
How do you use it with formik?
#119 opened by fddayan - 7
`handleStep` type to return a `boolean | void`
#74 opened by matand-dd - 8
onStepChange callback on Wizard Api
#84 opened by b93rn - 2
Last active (viewed) step
#104 opened by kalicki - 1
Can't import the named export 'Children' from non EcmaScript module (only default export is available)
#171 opened by saisilinus - 1
Non-linear wizards
#173 opened by ivan-aksamentov - 1
Animate steps with framer motion
#182 opened by tiagoBP28 - 2
gotToStep() fails with dynamically rendered step
#135 opened by nathanlepori - 4
- 4
Optionally persist the step in the URL hash
#149 opened by stoyan-ekupov - 1
Add more examples
#125 opened by devrnt - 1
reference step by key / identifier
#170 opened by matreu - 4
- 1
Route based wizard
#129 opened by tommy92 - 2
- 1
- 3
How to made a Vertical header?
#120 opened by ChenReuven - 2
Last step does not execute `handleStep`.
#127 opened by MichielDeMey - 4
Types not properly exported
#126 opened by MichielDeMey - 6
- 2
Framer-motion not working exit animation
#51 opened by ppsirius - 4
Ability to `useWizard` outside of `<Wizard>`
#71 opened by corysimmons - 4
- 4
FR: functionality to get total steps
#87 opened by flyfishMT - 1
Deprecation warning on Node 16
#89 opened by ulken - 0
`goToStep(stepIndex: number)`?
#76 opened by devrnt - 5
- 4
Doesn't work with next 11
#52 opened by johnschult - 3
How to catch the errors?
#33 opened by matepaiva - 2
Ability to set step by index
#23 opened by irrvrsl