Here is the project live link Yokoo Bicycle Shop live.
- User can see all the bicycles in the home page.
- User can book bicycles from this website.
- Booking bicycle will be added to mongodb database.
- User can see all their bookings in dashboard under the bookings icon.
- User can post review and see their reviews in the home page .
- User can delete their booking
- Added private route for dashboard, explore and bicycles route.
- Added JWT token for authentication.
- Admin can change the order status pending to ongoing and done.
- Admin can add new bicycles.
- Admin can see all the bookings in the dashboard.
- Admin can add new admin.
- Admin can delete any bicycle.
- Admin can delete any booking.
If you want to see the admin panel then you can use this email and password., 123456
HTML, CSS, Tailwind CSS, React, React Router, React Query, DaisyUI, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Firebase, Vercel, Axios.
- Clone the repository
- Run
npm install
to install all the dependencies - Run
npm start
to start the development server