
This repository contains the source code for a Sudoku solver app built using Kotlin and a recursive backtracking algorithm. The app features a simple UI created using Canvas and allows users to input a Sudoku puzzle and solve it with just a click of a button. The repository also includes screenshots and a demo video on YouTube.

Primary LanguageKotlin

🎲 Sudoku Solver App

This is a Sudoku solver app that uses recursive backtracking algorithm in Kotlin. The app features a simple UI created using Canvas and allows users to input the Sudoku puzzle and solve it with just a click of a button.

📷 Screenshots

screenshot1 screenshot2 screenshot3

🎥 Demo Video

Check out the demo video on YouTube: Sudoku Solver App Demo

💡 How it works

The app uses a recursive backtracking algorithm to solve any Sudoku puzzle. The algorithm starts by finding the first empty cell in the puzzle, and then tries to fill it with a number from 1 to 9. If the number is valid, the algorithm moves on to the next empty cell and repeats the process. If the number is not valid, the algorithm backtracks to the previous cell and tries a different number. The algorithm continues until the entire puzzle is solved.

🚀 How to use

To use the app, simply download the code from the repository and run it in an IDE that supports Kotlin. Then, input the Sudoku puzzle in the UI and click the "Solve" button. The app will then solve the puzzle and display the solution in the UI.

🙏 Credits

This app was created as a part of my journey with The Chance. The recursive backtracking algorithm was implemented by me, and the UI was created using Canvas.