
Initially this project sifts through ELB logs, extracts 502 and 503s and publish to cloudwatch with the loadbalancer and target group as dimensions. It can be used to trigger alarms on cloudwatch in order to scale services.

Required configuration

This module requires that you have a running docker (to build the rust code for lambda) and python (required by terraform-aws-lambda)

Using with terraform

module "elb_logs_to_cloud_watch" {
  source     = "github.com/devsbb/elb-logs-to-cloudwatch"
  aws_region = "eu-central-1"
  buckets    = ["bucket-a", "bucket-b"]
  pipelines = jsonencode([
      filter = "elb_status_code in {502..503}",
      output = {
        type        = "cloudwatch_metric"
        metric_name = "BadGatewayRequestCount",
        namespace   = "Grover/LambdaParser"
      filter = "elb_status_code > 0",
      output = {
        type = "stdout"
      filter = "target_group_arn matches \"main-website\" && user_agent matches \"(bot|Bot)\""
      output = {
        "type"        = "cloudwatch_log"
        "group_name"  = "bots"
        "stream_name" = "logs"

The final binary will be compiled and a zip will be uploaded to s3 in order to run the lambda. In the future we will provide a pre-compiled binary to avoid depending on docker for the final deployment.


This project has some benchmarks just to make sure we have no big regression but its idea is not to run fast but being a bit more memory efficient (to run in a simple lambda) as we read CSV lines from S3 in a streaming manner and making a few copies of those lines before moving to other chunks of the log file.