
A Twilio Flex plugin to intercept and perform changes on outbound calls

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Outbound Call Middleware Chain

This Flex Plugin allows developers to set custom pre-filter and middlewares for outbound calls started using the StartOutboundCall action. The idea behind this plugin is to provide a middleware engine that receives functions to change and/or filter outbound calls.

The plugin comes out of the box with a set of filters and also support custom filters that can be implemented by yourself.

OOTB Middlewares

  • AutoQueueSelectionMiddleware: Select a queue based on worker's task queues and availability against a block-list.
  • DefaultFallbackQueueMiddleware: Select a default queue in case any other queue wasn't specified.
  • QueueDebuggerMiddleware: Print on the console the action payload in a given moment.



Cloning repository

First things first, you need to clone this repository using the following command:

$ git clone https://github.com/devsdmf/flex-outbound-call-middleware-chain
$ cd flex-outbound-call-middleware-chain

Installing dependencies

Now, we need to install the dependencies for both the plugin and the serverless functions:

$ cd /path/to/the project
$ npm install
$ cd functions/
$ npm install

Setting up functions environment

Inside the functions folder, we have a .env.sample file, create a copy of this file and set the values according to the following list:

  • FLEX_TASKROUTER_WORKSPACE_SID: This is the SID of your Flex TaskRouter workspace, that you can find here.

Running functions locally

In order to run the functions in the local environment, you can start a development server using:

$ npm start

Setting up plugin environment

On the root folder of the project, we have the .env.sample file, make a copy of this file and set the values according to the following list:

  • FLEX_APP_TWILIO_SERVERLESS_DOMAIN: The domain where your functions are running, in case you are running it locally, it will be http://localhost:3000 or the domain of your deployed serverless.

Running the plugin locally

To run the plugin locally to test the middlewares and any custom components, you can start a development server using:

$ twilio flex:plugins:start

Deploying the plugin

Prior to start the development, make sure that you already setup a profile on your Twilio CLI and installed the necessary plugins described on the requirements section.


To deploy the functions run the following command in the /functions folder:

$ twilio serverless:deploy --production

The output of this command contains the function's domain, save it in a safe place because we will use it in the next step, it has the following format: outbound-call-middleware-XXXX.twil.io.


First, you need to edit your .env file to set your functions domain in the variable. Then, you need to run the following command at the root of the repository:

$ twilio flex:plugins:deploy --major --changelog="Flex Outbound Call Middleware Chain"

The output of this command, gives you a new command like in the example below:


✔ Validating deployment of plugin flex-outbound-call-middleware
✔ Compiling a production build of flex-outbound-call-middleware
✔ Uploading flex-outbound-call-middleware
✔ Registering plugin flex-outbound-call-middleware with Plugins API
✔ Registering version v1.0.0 with Plugins API

🚀 Plugin (private) flex-outbound-call-middleware@1.0.0 was successfully deployed using Plugins API

Next Steps:
Run $ twilio flex:plugins:release --plugin flex-outbound-call-middleware@1.0.0 --name "Autogenerated Release 1655268041224" --description "The description of this Flex Plugin Configuration." to enable this plugin on your Flex application

Now, run the release command and it is ready to be tested!


Creating a new middleware

Creating a new middleware is pretty simple and just requires one file, that needs to be created on the /middlewares folder. The following example shows the API for a middleware as well how to deny a call:


const SampleMiddleware = (next) => async (payload) => {
  console.log('SampleMiddleware called with payload => ', payload);

  if (payload === false) 
    return await next(false);

  // your logic goes here
  // you can change the payload and send it to the next middleware in the chain

  return await next(payload);

  // you can also pass false to deny the call at the end of the chain
  return await next(false);

export default SampleMiddleware;

Registering the middleware

The middlewares are registered on the /middlewares/index.js file, and you just need to import it and add it to the middlewares array:


// default imports...
import SampleMiddleware from './SampleMiddleware';

// register the middlewares in the execution order on this following array
export const middlewares = [

// rest of the code

NOTE: The middlewares are processed in the order of declaration, so, be careful with the order on the array.


This software is to be considered "sample code", a Type B Deliverable, and is delivered "as-is" to the user. Twilio bears no responsibility to support the use or implementation of this software.


This project is licensed under the MIT license, that means that it is free to use, copy and modified for your own intents.