
Send and receive message media in Twilio Flex

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Note: Detailed documentation is also available in Brazilian Portuguese. To read the instructions in that language, navigate to the docs/pt-br subfolder.

WhatsApp MMS for Flex WebChat

The WhatsApp MMS for Flex Webchat plugin allows you to send a media message over WhatsApp and render it within a Flex chat window. Upon sending the message, any qualified agent will see an incoming chat request from a WhatsApp number following the whatsapp:<E.164-formatted phone number> format.



To deploy this plugin, you will need:

  • An active Twilio account with Flex provisioned. Refer to the Flex Quickstart to create one.

  • npm version 5.0.0 or 6 installed (type npm -v in your terminal to check)

  • Node version 10.12.0 or later installed (type node -v in your terminal to check)

  • A mobile device with WhatsApp installed

  • Twilio CLI along with the Flex CLI Plugin and the Serverless Plugin. * Run the following commands to install them:

    # Install the Twilio CLI
    npm install twilio-cli -g
    # Install the Serverless and Flex as Plugins
    twilio plugins:install @twilio-labs/plugin-serverless
    twilio plugins:install @twilio-labs/plugin-flex@beta
    • The Twilio CLI with the Serverless and Flex Plugins are recommended for local development and debugging purposes, but you have the option to use the Functions UI in the Twilio Console.

Twilio Account Settings

Before we begin, we need to collect all the config values we need to run the plugin on your Flex application:

Config Value Description
Account Sid Your primary Twilio account identifier - find this on the Console Dashboard.
Auth Token Your Twilio Auth Token, which acts as your password - find this on the Console Dashboard.
Chat Service SID Unique identifier for your Flex Chat Service. You can find this on the Programmable Chat Dashboard.
Twilio WhatsApp Number The WhatsApp number to use when sending messages to a WhatsApp recipient. You can find this either on the Twilio Sandbox for WhatsApp page if you're using a test number, or the WhatsApp Senders if you've enabled personalized WhatsApp numbers.
Twilio SMS Number A Twilio phone number with MMS capability. You can check your numbers in the Phone Numbers Dashboard.

Plugin Details

Twilio Proxy does not support media messages natively, so it is necessary to monitor Proxy messages to detect media messages and then update the Flex Chat Channel message attributes with the media URL and media type. To facilitate sending MMS via WhatsApp and rendering the media on the Flex Chat UI, we have added the following Twilio Functions:

  1. mms-handler.protected.js: This Twilio Function will be called every time a Proxy interaction occurs. It uses the Proxy Callback URI to check for the existence of an MMS in an incoming message.

  2. send-media-message.js: This Twilio Function is called by the Flex plugin to send the media to the recipient using the Programmable Messaging API. Since Proxy does not currently support media messages, we have to bypass it and call the Programmable Messaging API directly.

Local Development

After the above requirements have been met:

  1. Clone this repository: git clone https://github.com/twilio-labs/plugin-message-media.git
  2. Set your Functions environment variables, install your package dependencies, and deploy your Twilio Functions.
  3. Set your plugin environment variable with the value of your Twilio Functions domain.
  4. Copy public/appConfig.example.js to public/appConfig.js.
  5. Install plugin dependencies: npm install

To test the plugin locally, run the following command:

npm run start

Alternatively, you can use this command to start the server in development mode. It will reload whenever you change any files.

npm run dev

Note: We recommend you install the Twilio Flex Plugins CLI. To start your plugin locally, you can run twilio flex:plugins:start.

Navigate to http://localhost:3000.

That's it!

Functions Deployment

You can upload these functions to your Twilio account in two ways: deploying via the Twilio CLI or copying and pasting the Functions code into the Functions UI within the Console. Make sure to set the environment variables and package dependencies regardless of which method you use.

Serverless Toolkit

Install the Twilio CLI and Serverless Plugins

For installation instructions, see the Requirements list.

Configure your Flex Workspace

In order to use this plugin, you need to prepare your Flex Task Assignment workspace.

Retrieve your Flex settings

Navigate to your Flex project in the Twilio Console. Copy your ACCOUNT SID and AUTH TOKEN, and create a new Twilio CLI profile using those credentials and activate it.

twilio profiles:create
You can find your Account SID and Auth Token at https://www.twilio.com/console
 » Your Auth Token will be used once to create an API Key for future CLI access to your Twilio Account or Subaccount, and then forgotten.
? The Account SID for your Twilio Account or Subaccount: ACxxx
? Your Twilio Auth Token for your Twilio Account or Subaccount: [hidden]

? Shorthand identifier for your profile: whatsappmmsforflex
Created API Key SKxxx and stored the secret in your keychain.
Saved whatsappmmsforflex.

twilio profiles:use whatsappmmsforflex

Keep in mind that this account will be used for the rest of the deployment. In order to switch accounts, use the command twilio profiles:use <different_profile>.

Retrieve your Flex Task Assignment workspace ID:

twilio api:taskrouter:v1:workspaces:list

Example Workspace SID

 SID                             Friendly Name               Prioritize Queue Order
WSxxxx                           Flex Task Assignment        FIFO    

Inside the folder mms-handler of this repository, copy the .env.example and create a .env file. If you're running Windows, see the Windows Environment Variables section in this blog post. For more details on the required values, see Twilio Account Settings.


After providing all these data, you can deploy these functions to your account:

$ twilio serverless:deploy

# Output: 

Deployment Details
Domain: your-domain-dev.twil.io
   mms-media (ZS0000000000000000000000000000)
   dev (ZE0000000000000000000000000000) 
Build SID:
View Live Logs:
   [protected] https://your-domain-dev.twil.io/mms-handler

When the deployment finishes, copy and save the Functions' and the Domain's URLs. You will need it in the next step.

If you forget to copy the domain, you can also find it by navigating to Functions > API in the Twilio Console.

Debugging Tip: Pass the -l or logging flag to review deployment logs. For example, you can pass -l debug to turn on debugging logs.

Functions UI Deployment

Copying the code of the Functions can be the fastest way to get started. In the Functions Dashboard, you have to create two new functions: One named MMS Handler and another named Send Media Message. Define the path of these two functions as /mms-handler and /send-media-message respectively. Copy the code of each function that exists inside the directory mms-handler/functions and paste it into a Blank Function template in the UI.


Only the Function mms-handler should check for Twilio's Signature because it will be called directly by the Proxy service. The send-media-message Function needs to be called on the client-side by the Flex instance, so it will verify the Flex token that is passed on the request instead.

Save your changes to both functions. Copy and paste the full paths of both functions into a text file since you will need them later.

After you have added your Functions, go to the Functions Configuration Page and ensure "Enable ACCOUNT_SID and AUTH_TOKEN" is checked. In the section "Environment Variables", add the variables described in Twilio Account Settings.

Also add the following npm Function dependencies:

  • twilio-flex-token-validator (1.5.3) -> Validates the Flex Token that will be sent in each request to the Send Message Function by the Flex UI.
  • verror (1.10.0) -> Used in the MMS handler function to add more details to the errors if something goes wrong.


When adding the twilio-flex-token-validator dependency, make sure to copy and paste it from a clipboard or a text file. There is a bug in the interface that blocks the input when typing 'twilio' in the field and you will be unable to complete the dependency name.

Save your changes. You are now ready to configure the Proxy Service and the Flex Plugin.

Twilio Proxy Configuration

We now need to configure the Proxy Callback URL to point to that Function.

  1. Navigate to the Proxy Dashboard and click on the Proxy Service used by your MMS and WhatsApp numbers.

  2. In the Callback URL field, enter the mms-handler Function URL. If the deploy was made using the Serverless Toolkit, paste the mms-handler URL provided in the deploy command output. Otherwise, you can get that URL by navigating to the Twilio Functions page, selecting the MMS Handler Function, and clicking the Copy button next to the Path. image thumbnail

  3. Click Save at the bottom of the Proxy Configuration page after entering the Callback URL.

Flex Plugin Deployment

The WhatsApp MMS for Flex WebChat plugin allows customers to render MMS sent over WhatsApp in the Flex WebChat and allows the agent to send media files to customers from their computer. You can see a demo below of this plugin:

image thumbnail

image modal

send media buttons

From the plugin root directory, run the following commands:

  1. Rename public/appConfig.example.js to public/appConfig.js.
  2. Install the plugin dependencies.
$ npm i

After that, create .env.production based on .env.example, and modify the REACT_APP_MMS_FUNCTIONS_DOMAIN property to the Domain name of your deployed Functions.


Check if you are logged in to the Twilio CLI

At last, run the twilio flex:plugins:deploy command. For more details about this command, read the Twilio Flex plugin CLI documentation.

twilio flex:plugins:deploy --major --changelog "Notes for this version" --description "Functionality of the plugin"

Upon successfully deploying your plugin, you should see a suggested next step for enabling it on your Flex application. After running the suggested next step, navigate to the Plugins Dashboard to review your recently deployed plugin and confirm that it’s enabled for your contact center.

Now you can open your Flex instance and test if everything is working as expected!


Check out CONTRIBUTING for more information on how to contribute to this project.


MIT © Twilio Inc.


This plugin was based on the mms2FlexChat plugin. Many thanks to the original contributors:




No warranty expressed or implied. Software is as is.