
Exploring & Learning New Things in JavaScript, Learning and Re-learning JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Exploring & Learning New Things in JavaScript.

Learning new concepts and having a refresher of JavaScript, many like

  • Variable
  • Loops
  • Arrays
  • Functions
  • Highers Order Array Functions
  • Maps & WeakMaps
  • Sets & WeakSets
  • Objects
  • Constructor Functions
  • Date & Time
  • JavaScript Objects
  • JSON, and JSON mehtods(.stringify and .parse)
  • Recursion
  • Prototypes (Flags, Descriptors, Getters and Setters)
  • Inheritance
  • OOP
  • ES6 Classes
  • Class constructor
  • Super - super()
  • Classs checking - instanceof
  • Mixins

and more...

All these were gotten from the JavaScript.info and Traversy Media which covers alot of basic to advanced concepts of JavaScript.