
a simple script that helps you to automating archlinux installation

Primary LanguageShell


a simple script that helps you to install and config you'r packages, bootloader, ...


  • debug mode
  • local pacman packages support /var/cache/pacman/pkg

TODO: i'll add all features soon


  • if you'r not a professional arch user, please DO NOT USE Archer

  • you have to create you'r partitions before running Archer



how to load config

i created 3 config examples under archer/config folder:

  • awesome-pc-config
  • default-config
  • xfce-pc-config

Archer loads xfce-pc-config by default

you can change default config permanently in Archer script using config_path variable

or use -c option: ./archer -b -c "path/to/file-config"

how to config

config file uses a bash like syntax that will be converted to bash variables later

NOTE: use comments like you'r using them in bash scripts

  1. Archer, user options:
options = {
  username: "yourName"
  hostname: "yourHostName"

  lightdm_session: "xfce" # set default session that lightdm can load you'r desktop or window manager
  default_shell: "/bin/fish"   # set default shell for this user

  # local pacman cache
  cache: "false"          # if you have any pacman packages caches set this option to true
  cache_path: "pkg"       # set packages folder

  # if you set this option to ture archer only displays commands
  # another way is to use -d options like: ./archer -d -b
  debug: "false"

  # if you set this option to ture archer displays commands, and then runs
  display_cmd: "true"
  1. partition management:

you have to create you'r partitions before running Archer

and then define you'r partitions here:

partitions = {
  # defines which partition to install grub on
  grub_install: "/dev/sda"

  # root partition
  root_part: "/dev/sda2"
  root_mount: "/mnt"
  root_fmt: "mkfs.ext4"

  # i dont use home - instead i use a DATA partition
  # home
  # home_part: "/dev/sda5"
  # home_mount: "/mnt/home"
  # home_fmt: "mkfs.ext4"

  # swap
  swap_part: "/dev/sda3"
  swap_fmt: "mkswap"

  # TODO: required uefi support
  # uefi_part: "/dev/sda4"
  # uefi_mount: "/boot/efi"
  # uefi_fmt: "mkfs.vfat -F32"

  # you can add any partition that you want here
  # just follow the syntax and Archer detect you'r new partition here

  # name_part: "/dev/sdaX"  # which partition
  # name_mount: "/mnt/path" # where to mount
  # name_fmt: "mkfs.ext4"   # command for formating this partition
  1. package management:

Archer uses 3 arrays for manage packages:

core_packages        - archer install these packages in base section (using pacstrap)
system_packages      - archer install these packages in system section (using pacman)
application_packages - archer install these packages in system section (using pacman)

packages titles doesn't matter for Archer:

base packages

you can change editor to anything you want like: my_editor

archer only use these titles to display packages titles:

config packages

and removes spaces inside these arrays.

if you'r display_cmd or debug options is true archer displays commands before running:

base packages display command