This is a demo of building composable regular expressions. This code is hosted on for demo. For more info read
For example, we can now do this
weirdChars = (!|-|\+|\\|\$|\^|~|#|%|\?|{|}|_|/|=)
numbers = \d
characters = [A-z]
anyChars = (weirdChars|numbers|characters)
lettersFollowedBySingleDot = (anyChars+\.anyChars+)
names = anyChars|lettersFollowedBySingleDot
onlyQuotableCharacters = @|\s
quotedNames = ""(names|onlyQuotableCharacters)+""
anyValidStart = (names|quotedNames)+
group = (quotedNames:anyValidStart)|anyValidStart
local = ^(group)
ipv4 = ((\d{1,3}.){3}(\d{1,3}))
ipv6Entry = ([a-f]|[A-F]|[0-9]){4}? ## group of 4 hex values
ipv6 = ((ipv6Entry:){7}?ipv6Entry) ## 8 groups of ipv6 entries
comAddresses = (characters+(\.characters+)*) ## stuff like a.b.c.d etc
domain = (comAddresses|ipv6|ipv4)$ ## this has to be at the end
Which compiles to: