
Shareable zsh module environment

Primary LanguageShell


This is an opinionated shared environment that augments the zshell. It'll set up a bunch of stuff that nobody wants to bother with.

PREFERRED usage is with ZSH but it is portable to work with bash

Things like

  • Installing a default editor (atom) and mapping it to e in the terminal
  • useful aliases
  • useful autocompletes
  • adding cutom user modules
  • simplifying installing via brew
  • easy way to update your environment

Clone the repo wherever you want and just add the following to the bottom of your .zshrc file

. <path>/EnvZ/bootstrap

The bootstrapper may prompt or install required items (such as python) and give you the option to install a default editor or other items

When updates are pushed just execute reload-env

Source directory

A key part of the environment is knowing where you store your source code. When the environment first starts it may ask you to put in where you source code exists. Environment variables will work as well as ~. All stored settings are put into the .config file. If you mess up, blow the file out.

This is nice because you can go to a coworkers machine and just type src in the shell and go to their source folder. Now everyone works in the same logical directory structure even though the physical directory structure is different


If you have linked modules, you can easily update all of them by doing update-env (assuming they are all git folders) and envz will do a git pull on all of them.

Sensitive information

Add any non shareable keys to a file called keys in the modules folder. modules/keys will be sourced if it exists. For example, to add your git oauth token do

export GIT_TOKEN=....

In the keys folder.

Custom plugins

To add a folder to your set of shell loads, go to your path and do

add-user-env <folder>

This will add the folders script contents to be sourced on shell start. Only files that end with .sh will get sourced and only the first directory level (this lets you build your own custom folders that contain whatever you want that wont get sourced)

To remove a custom folder do

remove-user-env ...

You can add custom validation to your modules that will run after all other modules are run by creating a validate.sh file in your module. This file WILL NOT get run during the initial load, and only run after the fact.

Zsh autocompletion detection

If your user module has a folder called zsh_completions it will automatically get added to the fpath for loading


If your user module has a file called validate.sh it will be executed after your module is loaded as a verification phase

And it will give you autocomplete on your installed plugins

For more information about use cases see this blog post