Console VIM and Tmux setup compatible with Mac OS X and Linux.

Disclaimer: This file is called README.markdown so that it'll appear first


Because this script prompts for user input, you have to execute it in a bit of an odd way. From a new command prompt simply copy and paste the following command and press return:

exec 3<&1;bash <&3 <(curl 2> /dev/null)

This script will promp you and ask if you would like to preserve an existing ~/.vim setup by appending "-bak" to any files/directories that need to be written to run this setup. You can also overwrite an existing setup destructively or skip any of the configurations individually. Additionally if you just want to keep a ~/.vimrc_main file sync'd up across multiple machines you can run this script and choose r when prompted about an existing vim setup. Here's how it would look:

***** Note: You already have a Vim configuration...
Would you like to (b)ack it up, (o)verwrite it, (r)efresh ~/.vimrc_main, or (s)kip Vim setup (B/o/r/s)?

Typing r and pressing return then outputs this message

Refreshing ~/.vimrc_main and leaving the rest of your Vim setup untouched

Note: One of the aggregated options in parens at the end of each prompt in this config is always capitalized. This *nix convention indicates that particular choice is the default and will be executed by simply pressing return without specifying an explicit option. I tried to pick a safe/sensible default when providing this feature.

Prerequisites OS X:

  • Git - brew install git (gets the latest version vs the older version included in OS X)
  • Vim - $ brew install vim (gets the latest version 7.3.x vs the older version included in OS X)
  • iTerm 2 (not required, but highly recommended as an alternative to the built in
  • Tmux - $ brew install tmux
  • Zsh & oh-my-zsh (follow the installation instructions for that project separately if you want to run Zsh instead of Bash for your shell)
  • Battery - $ brew tap Goles/battery

Customizations To The Defaults

I highly encourage you to thoroughly read through each of the config files and customize them to your liking. Please fork this gist and go nuts! But here are some of my customization highlights:


  • Tmux prefix re-mapped from Ctrl-b to Ctrl-a (I also recommend re-mapping your caps lock Key to control)
  • Tmux set to report as "screen-256color" (so we can get nice full color themes in Vim)
  • Use custom status with Battery, itunes sound playing and date time
  • Provides an optional tmuxinator Rails dev YAML setup file


  • Vim bundles loaded through vundle at ~/.vim/bundle
  • ~/.vimrc loads vundle and ~/.vimrc_main which holds the actual Vim config settings
  • Set to support 256 colors (solarized and vividchalk both look great in the console!)
  • <leader> re-mapped to ,
  • Set no wrap text by default
  • Navigate between splits with just ctrl+movement (h, j, k, or l)
  • Resizing splits with =/- for up/down and +/_ for left/right
  • Default searches to 'very magic'
  • Save files with SS. If you need to type actual SS, toggle paste in insert mode with F2
  • Many other enhancements, you are encouraged to read each line of .vimrc_main


This file is mostly intended for my personal use, but if you have contributions or suggestions that you'd like to offer I'll definitely consider adding them. Leave a comment here on the gist, mention me on twitter @jondkinney, or shoot me an email at jonkinney [at] gmail [dot] com. Happy Vimming/Tmuxing!
