- 5
Create PPagination
#17 opened by lubien - 1
Remove button
#27 opened by iagocavalcante - 3
Make a prettier README
#26 opened by lubien - 3
Pretty print HTML
#25 opened by lubien - 1
Create and Pull Request template
#16 opened by lubien - 1
Create input components
#5 opened by iagocavalcante - 2
Create PDataTable
#22 opened by iagocavalcante - 1
Setup travis with ESLlint
#11 opened by lubien - 3
Create PSelect
#18 opened by lubien - 4
- 2
Create PCard
#19 opened by lubien - 6
Define license
#1 opened by lubien - 4
We need a logo
#10 opened by lubien - 2
Setup prettier and ESLint for both JS and vue
#7 opened by lubien