
My personal WPF toolkit and theme.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


My personal WPF toolkit and theme, designed to make my life 100x easier.


Using my personal WPF theme is pretty easy to do, at least in my opinion.

Firstly, correctly manifest your application. In Visual Studio, right-click your project, go to Add, and add a blank app manifest. Then uncomment the given supportedOS declarations. This allows me to detect which version of Windows the app is currently running on, without this, Windows 8.1 and 10 report their version as Microsoft Windows 6.2.9200.0, because of course they fucking do.

Now, add a line like the following to your app startup, before showing any UI:

using WamWooWam.Wpf.Themes;

There, done! That was easy, wasn't it.

Light/Dark mode

If you want to enforce a specific light/dark mode, you can do something a la:

// Enforce light theme
Themes.SetTheme(light: true);

If not, all's g, we'll try and grab the current user's theme on Windows 10, or default to the light theme on Windows 7 and 8.

Accent Colours

If you want to enforce a specific accent colour, like a specific brand colour, you can do something like:

// Set theme colour to Discord Blurple
Themes.SetTheme(accentColour: Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x72, 0x89, 0xDA)); 

If you don't do this, no matter, we'll try and grab the current Windows accent colour instead, which works 99% of the time.

Additional Customisation

If you want a little more control over how things look, you can use the new ThemeConfiguration class, like so:

var config = new ThemeConfiguration
    ColourMode = ThemeColourMode.Light,
    AccentColour = Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x72, 0x89, 0xDA), // Discord Blurple
    FontFamily = new FontFamily("Comic Sans MS"),
    FontSize = 14


This class is also, theoretically, serialisable, meaning it's probably possible to store it as a JSON or XML document for easy saving of user settings. I haven't tested this, however.

Windows and Pages

Windows and Pages have, by default, white and transparent backgrounds respectively. Default themes are also quite iffy when it comes to these two, so, you have to apply styles to these elements manually. Specifically WindowStyle for windows, and PageStyle for pages that can have transparent backgrounds, or FullPageStyle for pages that need a background colour.

<Window ...
        Style="{DynamicResource WindowStyle}">