A new way of Running Tinker. Simplify the Web Artisan's workflow. inspired by Tinkerwell
🗒 If you are using Visual Studio Code, you may like Tinkerun for Visual Studio Code
- Connections: Quick connect to your app either locally, in production or in docker container etc;
- Snippets: Manage the code snippets you have ran;
- Editor: Run your terminal code via editor;
- Output: Focus on the results you really care that terminal return;
- Snippet Form: Switch the editor to the form, so that you can modify your variable value via form, like an admin panel;
- Dark mode
- React
- jotai (State manage)
- Immer
- Monaco Editor
- Xterm.js
- wouter
- Evergreen (UI)
- React Hook Form
- nanoid
- React Intl
- Snowpack (build the renderer process code)
- node-pty
- electron-store
- ncc (build the main process code)
If the troubleshooting guides did not resolve the issue, please reach out to me by filing an issue, starting a GitHub discussion