
WordPress starter theme based on @automattic's _s, with modern tooling via NPM scripts.

Primary LanguageCSS

WordPress Starter Theme

A fork of Automattic's _s, with modern CLI tooling based on NPM scripts. No Gulp, Grunt, or Webpack required.



  • When you change a .php, .scss, .svg, or .js file, BrowserSync will make changes via hot module reloding.

Enforcement of WordPress Coding Standards via:

  • ESLint
  • StyleLint

With each file change during npm run watch, you'll be notified in the command line of code warnings and errors.

Asset minification

Sass and other assets are compiled, optimized, and minified to a /dist directory.

  • SCSS
  • JavaScript
  • Images
  • SVG icons


  • .pot file automatically generated on each build.


  1. Node/NPM
  2. PHPCS
  3. WordPress Coding Standards

Getting Started

If you want to set things up manually, download this repo from GitHub.

The first thing you want to do is copy the _s directory and change the name to something else (like, say, my-theme), and then you'll need to do a five-step find and replace on the name in all the templates.

  1. Search for '_s' (inside single quotations) to capture the text domain.
  2. Search for _s_ to capture all the function names.
  3. Search for Text Domain: _s in style.css.
  4. Search for  _s (with a space before it) to capture DocBlocks.
  5. Search for _s- to capture prefixed handles.


  1. Search for: '_s' and replace with: 'my-theme'.
  2. Search for: _s_ and replace with: my_theme_.
  3. Search for: Text Domain: _s and replace with: Text Domain: my-theme in style.css.
  4. Search for:  _s and replace with:  My_Theme.
  5. Search for: _s- and replace with: my-theme-.

Then, update the stylesheet header in style.css, the links in footer.php with your own information and rename _s.pot from languages folder to use the theme's slug. Next, update or delete this readme.



npm i

Set your proxy URL in package.json under the serve task.

browser-sync start --https --proxy 'https://my-theme.test' --files \'dist/css/*.css, dist/js/*.js, **/*.html, !node_modules/**/*.html\'

(or you could remove the proxy... your choice!)


npm run watch

Now you're ready to go! The next step is easy to say, but harder to do: make an awesome WordPress theme. :)

Contributions are welcome, and good luck!