
Swift client for SignalR

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


A Swift client for SignalR. Supports hubs and persistent connections.



pod 'SwiftR'


github 'adamhartford/SwiftR'

Server Example

See https://github.com/adamhartford/SignalRDemo for a sample self-hosted SignalR application.

Simple Example (Hub)

// Server
public class SimpleHub : Hub 
    public void SendSimple(string message, detail)
        Clients.All.notifySimple (message, detail);

Default parameter names in callback response:

// Client
SwiftR.connect("http://localhost:8080") { connection in
    let simpleHub = connection.createHubProxy("simpleHub")
    // Event handler
    simpleHub.on("notifySimple") { (response) in
        let message = response!["0"] as! String
        let detail = response!["1"] as! String
        println("Message: \(message)\nDetail: \(detail)")

Custom parameter names in callback response:

// Client
SwiftR.connect("http://localhost:8080", parameters: ["message", "detail"]) { connection in
    let simpleHub = connection.createHubProxy("simpleHub")
    // Event handler
    simpleHub.on("notifySimple") { response in
        let message = response!["message"] as! String
        let detail = response!["detail"] as! String
        println("Message: \(message)\nDetail: \(detail)")

Complex Example (Hub)

// Server
public class ComplexMessage
    public int MessageId { get; set; }
    public string Message { get; set; }
    public string Detail { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<String> Items { get; set; }

// Server
public class ComplexHub : Hub
    public void SendComplex(ComplexMessage message) 
        Clients.All.notifyComplex (message);
// Client
var complexHub: Hub!

SwiftR.connect("http://localhost:8080") { [weak self] connection in
    self?.complexHub = connection.createHubProxy("complexHub")
    self?.complexHub.on("notifyComplex") { response in
        let m: AnyObject = response!["0"] as AnyObject!

let message = [
    "messageId": 1,
    "message": "Complex Test",
    "detail": "This is a complex message",
    "items": ["foo", "bar", "baz"]

// Invoke server method
complexHub.invoke("sendComplex", parameters: [message])

Persistent Connections

// Server
app.MapSignalR<MyConnection> ("/echo");


public class MyConnection : PersistentConnection 
    protected override Task OnReceived(IRequest request, string connectionId, string data) 
        return Connection.Broadcast(data);
// Client
var persistentConnection: SignalR!

persistentConnection = SwiftR.connect("http://localhost:8080/echo", connectionType: .Persistent) { connection in
    connection.received = { data in

// Send data
persistentConnection.send("Persistent Connection Test")

Sending information to SignalR

Query String

SwiftR.connect("http://localhost:8080") { connection in
    connection.queryString = ["foo": "bar"]

Custom Headers

SwiftR.connect("http://localhost:8080") { connection in
    connection.setValue("Value1" forHTTPHeaderField:"X-MyHeader1")
    connection.setValue("Value2" forHTTPHeaderField:"X-MyHeader2")


SwiftR will send any cookies in your app's NSHTTPCookieStorage to SignalR. You can also set cookies manually:

let cookieProperties = [
    NSHTTPCookieName: "Foo",
    NSHTTPCookieValue: "Bar",
    NSHTTPCookieDomain: "myserver.com",
    NSHTTPCookiePath: "/",
let cookie = NSHTTPCookie(properties: cookieProperties)


SwiftR is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.