
Rate limit plug for Elixir HTTP APIs

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT

Rate Limit Plug

Elixir Plug giving requests per second rate limiting capability.

A resource can be protected by a pro-rata rate limit. For example a limit of 4 requests a second will allow a request every 250ms - you cannot use up all requests in the first few milliseconds of a period. Note this applies to the entire router - the library needs to be extended to handle individual paths.

The response code when the limit is exceeded is 429 Too Many Requests. This plug uses the Token Bucket Algorithm.

Build Status Hex.pm


Add :plug_ratelimit to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

  {:plug_ratelimit, "~> 0.21"}


There is an example app in example/demo.exs. To run:

mix run --no-halt example/demo.exs

Then call enough times to exceed the 4 req/sec limit:

seq 5 | xargs -Iz curl -w " %{http_code}\n" http://localhost:4000/

  ok 200
  ok 200
  ok 200
  ok 200
  Too Many Requests 429


Start REPL:

iex -S mix

Load plug:

c "lib/plug/ratelimit.ex"
{:ok, _} = Plug.Adapters.Cowboy.http Plug.Ratelimit, [requests_per_second: 4]


curl http://localhost:4000/

ab -n 5

or run curl multiple times:

seq 5 | xargs -Iz curl http://localhost:4000/


  • This library uses a Stern-Brocot tree to find a good ratio of the number of tokens to add to the bucket at a given interval - this ratio is a variation of the algorithm described in John D. Cook's Best rational approximation