
Primary LanguageJavaScript


If there are permissions issues on the node_modules folder on a production server then run these commands:

sudo chown -R $USER:$GROUP ~/.npm sudo chown -R $USER:$GROUP ~/.config

The above commands will restore permissions

Running the scrapers locally:

node scraper/location.js Run this first to load the locations

  • node scraper/zomato.js
  • node scraper/talabat.js
  • node scraper/deliveroo.js
  • node scraper/carriage.js
  • node scraper/ubereats.js
  • node scraper/eateasy.js
  • node scraper/reindex.js

Run this at any given time after any number of scraper runs to generate the offers.


Install Docker

Running the foodable stack:

Build the stack like this

docker-compose up --build scraper foodable mongo nginx-proxy

Then to stop the stack

docker stop foodable mongo nginx-proxy

Then to start the stack

docker-compose up foodable mongo nginx-proxy

Docker endpoints:

Please add the line foodable.local to your /etc/hosts. Remember to edit the hosts file with sudo.


  • http://foodable.local:8090/
  • http://foodable.local:8090/graphql

Database cleanup:

node scraper/cleanup/dbClean.js

Example Queries:

Get all locations

query{ locations(page:1 pageSize:3){ _id, locationSlug, locationName } }

Get offers in a certain location input. Each offer item is sorted in descending order by score internally.

query{ offers(page:1 pageSize:3, locationSlug:"al-karama"){ _id, offers{ title, cuisine, offer, score, source, locationSlug, rating, cost_for_two, votes, image, href } } }

Get offers in a certain location input with keyword and cuisine search { offers(page: 1, pageSize: 2, locationSlug: "al-karama", keywords: "cafe", cuisine: "indian chinese") { _id offers { title cuisine offer score source locationSlug rating cost_for_two votes image href } } }

Get a list of X Random offers.

query{ randomOffers(count:4 page:1 pageSize:3 locationSlug:"al-karama"){ _id, title, cuisine, offer, score, source, locationSlug, rating, cost_for_two, votes, image, href } }

Get list of locations with offers

query{ locationsWithOffers{ _id locationSlug, locationName } }

Get list of cuisines indexed by scraper so far


Get list of Restaurants by keyword

query{ findByKeyword(page:1 pageSize:10 keyword:"pizza"){ title, cuisine, offer, score, source, locationSlug, rating, cost_for_two, votes, image, href }}

Get favourites

query { favourites(page: 1, pageSize: 2, locationSlug: "abu-hail", city: "dxb", favourites: ["la-pezza", "acai-beach", "961lb"]) { _id offers { title cuisine cuisineArray offer score source locationSlug rating cost_for_two votes image href } } }

ENDPOINT for contact us http://foodable.local:8090/contactus

POST DATA Example for contact us { "email": "\"dev.tanna@gmail.com\"", "message": "\"test message\"" }

ENDPOINT for subscribe http://foodable.local:8090/subscribe

POST DATA Example for subscribe { "email": "\"dev.tanna@gmail.com\"" }

Production How-To Run Full Scrape

Running a full scrape to update data on Production involves these steps:

  • Run npm install to make sure your local node_modules is up to date

  • Make sure mongo is running locally docker start mongo

  • Make sure test_mode is set to false in settings.py

  • Clean up local db collection so we start from clean state

    mongo foodabledb --eval 'db.collection_99_99_99.drop()'

    You should see a true at the end once the command is executed

  • Run all scrapers for your localhost environment

    sh ./docker_run_all_scrapers_script.sh

  • Export data from mongo localhost into json file

    mongoexport --host localhost:27017,localhost:27017 --db foodabledb --collection collection_99_99_99 --type json --out datadump.json

  • Check file is created.

  • Import the file onto Mongo atlas which is production db mongoimport --host foodable-Cluster0-shard-0/foodable-cluster0-shard-00-00-zyyjg.gcp.mongodb.net:27017,foodable-cluster0-shard-00-01-zyyjg.gcp.mongodb.net:27017,foodable-cluster0-shard-00-02-zyyjg.gcp.mongodb.net:27017 --ssl --username devtanna --password K4eh5Ds2MrDkAk5I --authenticationDatabase admin --db foodabledb --collection collection_99_99_99 --drop --type json --file datadump.json

  • Once uploaded clean up by deleting the json file created rm datadump.json 2> /dev/null

Deploying to production on Azure involves:

  1. Trigger a deployment via a commit message that contains [azure-deploy]


  • pm2 logs --lines=200
  • cat /var/log/nginx/error.log
  • cat /var/log/nginx/access.log