
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Minimalistic testing framework

based on testnow

    npm install nowtest

This framework doesn't have any CLI, only programmatic API.
It's designed to be cross-platform and to be able to be integrated with any build / CICD / deployment tools.

Setting up / describing tests

const nowtest = require("nowtest");

const test = nowtest()

function mySetImmediate(cb: () => void) {
    return setTimeout(cb, 0);

test.group("mySetImmediate", () => {
    test("Executes callback", (end: test.Handler) =>
        mySetImmediate(() => end()));

    test("May be cancelled with clearTimeout", (end: test.Handler) => {
        let timeoutId = mySetImmediate(
            () => end(new Error(`Callback executed`))
        setTimeout(() => end(), 100);

Executing tests


const nowtest = require("nowtest");

const test = nowtest()

const util  = require("util");

test.run().then(result => {
    console.log(util.inspect(result, true, 10, true));

Several simple reporters are now built in nowtest. Reporter is simply a function that takes test results and does something with them. Usually reporters output the results somewhere. Right now there are 4 simple reporter types: plain - using the most basic and cross-platform console.log functionality, console and terminal - are similar to plain for now, dom - inserts a html-formatted report as innerHTML into a given dom-node. The reporter export provided by nowtest contains not reporters themselves, but reporter creators, functions that have optional reporter-options object as a parameter and return a reporter. We could rewrite the above example using a simple built-in reporter which just logs results to the console:

const nowtest  = require("nowtest");
const {reporter}  = nowtest;


test.run().then(result => {