
Golang basic connection to database relational PosgreSQL

Primary LanguageGo


A basic structure with a connection to the PostgreSQL database, and structure of directories, is ideal for initializing project in GO.

Replace for your data into next files:

  • connectDB.go

      Replace for your data \<user\>\<password\>\<server address\>
      connStr := "postgres://<user>:<password>@<server address>:5432/gotest?sslmode=disable"
  • handlers.go

      Add routers for endpoints
      router.HandleFunc("/signup", middleware.CheckDB(routers.SignUp)).Methods("POST")
  • Packages used

    • github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go
    • github.com/gorilla/mux
    • github.com/lib/pq
    • github.com/rs/cors