Typescript Library Starter

NPM NPM GitHub Workflow Status

Yet another (opinionated) typescript library starter template.

Opinions and limitations

  1. Relies as much as possible on each included library's defaults
  2. Only rely on GitHub Actions
  3. Do not include documentation generation

Getting started

  1. git clone git@github.com:gjuchault/typescript-library-starter.git my-project
  2. cd my-project
  3. npm install
  4. npm run setup

Or click on Use this template button on GitHub!

To enable deployment, you will need to:

  1. Setup NPM_TOKEN secret in GitHub actions (Settings > Secrets > Actions)
  2. Give GITHUB_TOKEN write permissions for GitHub releases (Settings > Actions > General > Workflow permissions)


Node.js, npm version

Typescript Library Starter relies on volta to ensure node version to be consistent across developers. It's also used in the GitHub workflow file.


Leverages esbuild for blazing fast builds, but keeps tsc to generate .d.ts files. Generates two builds to support both ESM and CJS.


  • build: runs typechecking then generates CJS, ESM and d.ts files in the build/ directory
  • clean: removes the build/ directory
  • type:dts: only generates d.ts
  • type:check: only run typechecking
  • type:build: only generates CJS and ESM


typescript-library-starter uses vitest. The coverage is done through vitest, using c8.


  • test: runs vitest test runner
  • test:watch: runs vitest test runner in watch mode
  • test:coverage: runs vitest test runner and generates coverage reports

Format & lint

This template relies on the combination of eslint — through typescript-eslint for linting and prettier for formatting. It also uses cspell to ensure spelling


  • format: runs prettier with automatic fixing
  • format:check: runs prettier without automatic fixing (used in CI)
  • lint: runs eslint with automatic fixing
  • lint:check: runs eslint without automatic fixing (used in CI)
  • spell:check: runs spellchecking


Under the hood, this library uses semantic-release and commitizen. The goal is to avoid manual release process. Using semantic-release will automatically create a github release (hence tags) as well as an npm release. Based on your commit history, semantic-release will automatically create a patch, feature or breaking release.


  • cz: interactive CLI that helps you generate a proper git commit message, using commitizen
  • semantic-release: triggers a release (used in CI)